
How's the public transportation in Rotorua?

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I'm planning to visit Rotorua, Can I rely on public transportation or do I have to rent a car




  1. There's  plenty of tours, taxis and buses mate, no worries.

  2. I here the buses run every 30 mins so I hope that helps you

  3. Airport to accommodation and return is covered by Super Shuttle, very cheap.

    Regular commuter and shopping bus service, also very cheap - 10 trip tickets are available, even cheaper.

    There's an oversupply of tour vans to the likes of the Buried Village and Waiotapu, all trying to see who can charge the least. You get what you pay for. Try Link Tours they're the dearest, but by far the best quality.

    Driver T

  4. Ka te pai

  5. i reckon it wud be like the rest of rotorua; smelly, lol

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