
How's the relationship between Pakistan and India?

by Guest33556  |  earlier

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How's the relationship between Pakistan and India?

How's the situation in Kashmir?




  1. Check out this free E-book on how to achieve and happy and healthy relationship. It really helped me when I had some problems in my relationship.

  2. Pakistan has good relations with india , but

    i can not say about relations of india with Pakistan

  3. The relationship between India and Pakistan is not at all  co-ordial.  Though there is no troublein Kashmir at present,

    the Kashmir issue will remain major deadlock in the peace between both the countries.

  4. media/bollywood is performing good role in removing hatred from both sides ,now they r calm indian n pakistani actors go to each other`s country n performs there.

  5. Pakistan and Indias relationship is 50-50 &

    Its very very hot situation continuing in Kashmir

  6. They want Kashmir? Well, only 10% of the Ratical Groups in Pakistan who wants Kashmir. It is one more issue that they(10%) can fight over.

    Rest 90% is just like our 90%(peaceful) of India.

    Believe it or not but from where I am flying, I am sure there is going to be a even better relationship once Mush. is thrown out!

  7. bad

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