
How's this for an amazing high tech option to paid maternity leave?

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Save up a few months pay before getting pregnant ?




  1. Funny, one asker was just blasting women for not wanting kids and putting the human race in jeopardy by lowering the birth rate. Next question states we should suffer in poverty by not receiving pay for at least a year. You misogynists should really get your stories straight.

  2. This is a highly rational idea (but it's not in keeping with Feminism) so Feminists will likely reject it as they reject more rational ideas and those which do not favour their self-serving interests and advancement of hatred against men & boys.

  3. Most people do!   The only pay I had during maternity leave was my paid sick/vacation leave if I chose to take it.   FMLA is not a paid leave.   And its not just for women!

  4. I have another one. let's invest on research for male pregnancy,  in this way I wouldn't have to leave my job and career.

  5. Maternity leave doesn't just exist because women want more money--it also exists because women want the security of still being on their employers' payrolls.  Also, not all women know in advance if they are going to get pregnant.

  6. Why do you care so much?  Do you realize that maternity leave is there to allow a women to take so much time off of work to allow her to heal, get her hormone levels back to normal, makes it easier to breastfeed the newborn and allow her to bond with her child?

    Do you know men can take maternity leave?  Both genders can take maternity leave if they adopt a child.  It is a great bonus in a way to women and men working and wanting to bond with their new family members.

  7. Yeah but what about wage gap? That plan would increase it and that would warrant even more hysteria and tax payer funded legislation.

  8. On come on now.  Personally, I have bills that need to be paid before I got pregnant, during the time I was pregnant, after I gave birth, while I was on maternity leave, once I returned to work, when that child turned 5, once that child went to college - basically, I ALWAYS have bills that need my attention.  How can you possibly think that would work?

  9. Would someone please tell me where these jobs are that pay six months a year of maturity leave???

    Im sure not seeing daughter I got two months home, and by four months I was overseas again.

    Where I'm working now, being self employed and all, my b8tch of a boss would never let me do that one.

    So if these companies exist...let me know.  Thinking on having another one, might as well cash out this time.

  10. I think that would be the wise decision regardless of whether or not you plan on using maternity leave... if you have a baby, you should probably be saving up the dough to be able to afford the baby.

    Sometimes though, life gets in the way. What happens if you have a "blessing baby" or if you have an unexpected financial burden you have to pay for?

    It's nice in theory (and I think most people should plan on it in practice) but maternity leave provides a safety net for those "what-ifs". It's when people abuse it that I get pissed off :D

  11. Paid maternity leave is an incentive to keep good female workers.  Not all women that take maternity leave are paid during their absence.  It's right up there with retirement benefits, health insurance benefits and paid vacations.  Not all companies offer those benefits.

  12. It wouldn't work.  That would call for personal responsibility.

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