
How's this for lazy?

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My husband and I own a 2-year old female mutt. We are terrible and don't walk her regularly like we should, but since she responds quite well to verbal commands, we've invented a new way to exercise her.

We stand across the parking lot from each other at my husband's work (it's not too big of a parking lot- the width of 8 or 10 parking spaces square), and we have her run back and forth between us.

"Go get Mommy!"... Mommy (me) claps and calls her

"Go get Daddy!"....

... and back and forth about 6 or 8 times. Then she starts running slower, wanders to the grass, etc... so we go back inside.




  1. my dog does not get daily walks..  although I live in the country, the road is busy and not safe to walk on, and its not always feasable to make a trip to the walking path.

    I do have an acre of land tho, so he gets exercize playing in the yard.. games of fetch in the house, chasing the laser pointer, playing with the cats, and other games we make up like hide and seek with his toys.  Also we go visit friends and relatives with dogs, so he gets to play with his canine companions a few times a week.

    Although walks are great for dogs, they dont "need" them as long as there are other means of exercizing your dog.  My dog gets a variety of exercizes and games to keep him stimulated and socialized.  However, I'd be concerned about the safety of a parking lot, expecially if you are near a road.  I dont think the cop can say anything about it because a parking lot is considered private property.. however whomever owns that lot can press charges for tresspassing.

  2. I bet this game gets progressively less fun with each lap. Also, maybe running and accelerating so much on the asphalt and road surface is hurting her feet. The dog is going slower for some reason and another, and it's not clear it's just 'lazy'-ness. I would take her to more natural settings and give that a try.

  3. So is "neglect" some thing she knows.If you have enough time to write this here and then respond why don't you use that time to actually take your dog for a walk?Tilks Mom

  4. I would probably be worse if we had a dog. I'll probably just let the dog outside to wander the streets. If it made it home safe, at least it'll have one more chance to not get lost.

    Thats probably why i don't have a dog.

    Oh, i have an idea. I can just tie the leash to my treadmill. I'll i have to do is remember to set the time limit, otherwise the dog would strangle as its dragged from exhaughtion.

  5. That about takes the cake for lazy alright!  At least one of you is getting some exercise out of this even if she's probably not enjoying it too much!

  6. Although, I'm sure your dog would prefer going for walks, at least she is getting out and getting some exercise.

  7. dogs need daily walks, it exercises their mind as well as body to *journey* somewhere, investigate smells, see sights.. it would do you and your husband good too to go for a walk. it just takes one second for a stray cat, racoon, rabbit or other vermin to walk in that parking lot and your dog will go off and killed by a car. plus probably being against the law for your dog to be off leash there, if a cop spotted you.

  8. Thats lazy.
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