
How's weather in Dublin by mid be moving there soon.please suggest essentials to start life there.

by Guest61213  |  earlier

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How's weather in Dublin by mid be moving there soon.please suggest essentials to start life there.




  1. Dublin is very wet during october so be ready with a hat or raincoat..honestly umbrellas arent the best because the wind is usually so bitenly cold and strong the umbrella will just aggravate you because it will keep blowing away!dont forget the hats gloves and scarfs because it will be ice-numbingly cold!but dublin is great and youl have an amazing time and give it a couple of weeks and you wont notice the weather!

  2. it rains atleast once a day and is typically cloudy, u never get those sunshine, blue sky days. Good Luck!

  3. Yes the weather will be cold., but you are moving to a great place and you will get used to it. After a couple of weeks you won't even notice. Good Luck.

  4. Rain l,m not trying two put you of but it will rain alot depends which county your going two and were your from but two get on well here you should be a happy drinker an like the local sport

  5. If it rains buy like 7 cute umbellas one for every day! And buy cute water proof stuff like a waterproof backback. One more thing DONT straighten your hair! All the humidity will make it frizzy. I hope these tips help. Oh and buy a waterparka but get it cuztimized to say your name on the back with jewls. And buy water proof boots. Really cute ones. Well good luck.

  6. Raining and sure to bring warm clothes and shoes

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