
How's your day going?

by Guest11000  |  earlier

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Mine is pretty bad, I stayed home from school cus I couldn't go to sleep until 4 Am and had to wake up at 6:30Am... so my mom let me stay home, plus my neck is hurting.

So, how's life.. how's life?




  1. i am doing pretty good thanks for asking

  2. I'm doing good.  

  3. My day is okay as it could be better but then again it could be worse as well.

  4. stressful

    my mom is still

    in the hospital

    from quintuple bypass surgery.

    An then me and my sister will have too balance our

    time with staying at her house for the next

    six weeks.

    Meaning our lives and our marriages are will be on hold.

    I love my mom but health disruptions can be so STRESSFUL on the patient but also on the family.

    Because your constantly worrying about them and not wanting to leave them at the hospital.

    So will pray for me and my family

    in this stressful time.

  5. oh I'm so sorry and hope you feel better and thanks for asking mines great but too much homework  

  6. its okay i guess

    my day was kinda boring and i had nothing to do

    so i came on here

    before skool starts 2morrow

  7. my day was fantastic

  8. My life is cool and i love my wife and my 4 inside cats and my 2 out side cats I hope that your neck gets to fills better for you.So you can be with your friends soon.

  9. oh lucky you, I had to live that every day through my in-high-school experience

  10. Awww poor you! My life is kinda confusing at the moment :-S I'mgoing back to college in Jan 2009 and don't know what i wana do,I'm thinking teaching but not completely sure,Ahhhh,sooooo confused,But other than that i'm grand ta hun :-)

    Go get some sleep and rest your neck x*x


  11. I've been outside working and it is very hot and extremely humid here in central Illinois. My day is HOT.

  12. Look whom you're asking, how do you THINK my day went? Every day, corrupting innocent souls, trapping them in energy spheres & teleporting them to a special section of h**l until the Final Judgement,

    so tell me about YOUR day.

  13. well i puked... but on the bright side i started school (not) but chyaaa SCHOOL SUCKS!!! was staying home fun?  

  14. BAD!!!!!

  15. Sorry to hear that but at least you got a day off. My day is boring so far.

  16. Pretty good I guess... Only I had to run three miles in gym today, and then I looked like c**p for the rest of the day.. and its really hot, and I have a lot of AP Biology homework, and my back is killing me, and I think im getting ready to come on my period, and I only slept 3 hours last night, and still had to get up for school!

    GREAT DAY!!!

  17. My mother went to the hospital (again) and school starts tomorrow and I'm pissed.

    And life is pretty d**n pathetic, since you asked.

  18. life is frustrating at times. my day isn't going that great because my 2 year old is really bugging the heck out of me by disobeying and not taking his nap. it's really getting to me, especially since i'm pregnant and already moody. sorry yours isn't going good either. hope the school year is good for you.  

  19. Great. My friends and I rented a whole bunch of movies 4rm Blockbuster and we ate frozen yogurt while getting scared until we couldn't even walk anywhere without eachother (I know, stupid but we were scared)

    And school was fun.  

  20. good

  21. Boring.

  22. mines good but dang! your lucky!


    I get up at 51 lol

  23. Mine is pretty exciting and scary, cuz i just went to my middle school orientation and tomorrow is the first day and i barely know where to go!!!!!!!! =D isnt' that great???????// =DDD NO.

  24. My day's going good...

    Nothing special.

    Sorry to hear yours isn't!


  25. tired, todaii was the 1st daii for skool & im a freshmen
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