
How 'sexual' is the book Breaking Dawn?

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my cousin wants to read it, but i hear bella give birth in the book, i just want to know how much they go into anything sexual in the book. thanks.




  1. Well, in the book, Bella goes on her honey moon, and you get the idea. It tells you that they had it but it doesn't exactly "describe" the whole process; just before and after. And yes, she does get pregnant, but it isn't very graphic on the birth scene. I'm sorry, I hope I didn't spoil the book!

  2. SPOILER**

    I think it's pretty mellow. You pretty much know what happens, but Stephenie Meyer doesn't write the actual s*x happening, she writes more how Bella feels afterward. Bella doesn't go into real detail about "how" it happened either, just kind of that it was the best night of her life. The later s*x scenes in the book are a little more detailed, but not DETAILED if you catch what I mean. It's like the difference between a PG movie and PG-13. Breaking Dawn is definitely more mature than the first three. Stephenie makes a lot of references that your cousin might not quite catch because she is pretty vague (if your cousin is really young and doesnt understand how s*x actually works). I guess it depends on how mature your cousin is. Personally I LOVED the book, but I know some people weren't so thrilled.  

  3. I haven't gotten to that point yet, but on Bella & Edward's honeymoon, they do make love quite a bit. There are absolutely no details describing it though. How old is your cousin?


  4. they never really describe it its more lik implyed and i was disepointed b/c of that at the begining i wasnt even sure if they did have s*x lol id say if ur cousin is 11 or older then it should be fine

  5. A couple of times

  6. I've read worse. The thing that disgusts me is that Meyer seemed to want to prove a point in the childbirth scene. Before, the baby is already breaking her ribs. At the birth, it breaks her spine. Meyer goes overboard. She seemed to want to invent a new Cesarean method of birth or something. The vampire/child literally chews it's way out of the uterus, and Rosalie tries to cut it out with a scalpel, but she gets hauled off and Edward bites in with his teeth to finish the job. And nine-year-olds are reading this. YA? Not likely. Most fans are little tweens.


  7. they do. but it doesnt go deeply into it. Stephenie Meyer is a Mormon and was a good girl when she was younger and she kinda portrayed a little of herself on Bella.

  8. I have read this book, and I honestly have to tell you you probaby should not let you cousin read it if they aren't very mature. There are a few allusions to s*x in the book, nothing too graphic as it 'fades to black' before and picks up again after. However, the birthing scene was VERY graphic, going on to discribe Bella vomiting fountains of blood, and then how the baby inside her breaks her bones trying to get out. Edward then has to use his teeth to rip the baby out. Even I found it to be a desturbing scene.

    There are also other questionable elements to the book (sanctified pedophilia, very heavy handed 'right to life' morals, borderline abusive relationships ect. ) which causes me to honestly suggest you give your cousin some other book to read, or in the very least make sure she is emotionally mature enough to handle the themes in this book.  

  9. Bella and Edward go at it a lot during the book, but it isn't descriptive.

    How old is your cousin?  13+ would be fine.

  10. Eh, it's not bad at all.

    The first time they have s*x you don't even notice it until the next morning when they wake up.

    They never go into the s*x at all.

    Compared to all the other books, BD is MUCH more sexual. But it really isn't that bad. I mean, Emmett makes a couple jokes. Bella and Edward fight about it a little in the beginning. And they make out a lot.

    Depends how old your cousin is... the youngest person I know who read it is eleven, and she was whatever about it. Then again, she's a crazy mature eleven year old...

  11. There are sexual inuendos but nothing that would be of any worry. The only part in there that is slightly disturbing is the birth scene, it gets extremely graphic. Other than that I don't see much of a problem.

  12. ya, the book is extremely graphic and pg-13

    its really not for kids

  13. It's mostly sexual during their honeymoon. They talk about s*x but it doesn't go into erotic details of their love making. And in the end it describes them lying on the bed together. But i do think that you have to be about maybe 15 to read this book. So the reader isn't scarred.

  14. It isn't descriptive but it is quite frequent. I think 13+ is fine but if your cousin is quite mature maybe earlier.  

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