
How About Acting?Maybe?

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I'm 13 && I want To Act!

I Know Alot Of Things About Acting But Where O How Would You get An Agent?




  1. You cannot become a pro without the full efforts of your parents getting you the experience, training and agent that you will need. They have to sign for you to do anything until you are 18. Like you other answerer said, you need experience and training before you look for an agent.

  2. Start out in community theater or your school play. Try acting classes to make sure you are comfortable in front of a crowd and are totally sure it's what you want to do. Then start thinking about getting an agent.

  3. Good start! ...the key point is to be an artist. Just pursue it, perform, perform, perform, in any possible play to get seen by as many people possible... You also have to identify a style that you want. A person, group, or company that really make you think "I want to do that". Find a way to practice with their technique (and i said practice, besides study). practice is finally what will get you on stage in a solid way. Make yourself clear if you want either a JOB or an artistic activity that will make you happy. Being notorious is not necessary being talented, or, even worse, it will make you compromise many ethical things that you might not like to do or act in plays that you dont really like. The commercial circuit not always cross roads with the pure artistic lane, so you have to be focused in what you deeply wish. Get your family support. Welcome! Best of luck!

  4. Don't worry about getting an Agent so much as getting experience.

    Experience will get you to the point where you will find/ be offered an agent. =]

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