
How Africa can be the answer to the energy issue/?

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Addemitly, africa has ressource which can solve the energy issue as congo dr water and foret.




  1. The PBMR South Africa is developing looks like a very promising power source for developing countries (such as pretty much all of Africa) that need reliable electricity instead of unreliable junk that'll make rich people in first world countries feel good.

    Although for the most part I'm not expecting Africa to be at the forefront of global warming reductions and in fact I expect pollution levels to increase while the people there move towards prosperity and then to decrease when they become wealthy enough to actually care about the environment (if you are starving you are likely to be more concerned about where you next meal comes from then about whether  you leave your grandchildren you'd have a good chance of never seeing a habitable planet).

  2. English please

  3. Sasol can liquefy coal

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