
How Anderson da Silva defended his fighting startegy with Cote?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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In 2008 Anderson da Silva had a controvercial fight with Cote. In which he was accused of disrespecting Cote. I would like to know, how Anderson da Silva defended himself. What reasons he gave for his fighting startegy with Cote?




  1. There are many people saying I was disrespecting Cote, but this is absolutely not true,” Silva told “My game plan since the beginning was fight five rounds, inducing him to commit mistakes and capitalize on that during the first three rounds and look for the knockout during the fourth and fifth rounds. It was working, and the biggest proof of that is that I almost didn’t waste any blows. I connected with a couple of good punches and knees, but unfortunately he got hurt and the fight was over. This is not my fault.”

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