
How Bad Of A Prescription Is This??

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I always knew I had horrible eye sight. I have to make sure my eyes are dilated to check for retinal detachment all the time, my doctor is very pushy on that. He's mentioned I am very nearsighted.

However, everyone says their eyesight is horrible though. It came up in a conversation and I mentioned my eyes were a -14.25 and a -16.00 and everyone was shocked and said I must be wrong. I'm obviously not wrong, and I was wondering why this surprised reaction. Is it that bad??

I am 21 year old female and my vision has recently stopped changing.

Also...Is there other risks besides retinal detachment that my doctor is not telling me?




  1. That seems really bad compared to mine... I am -2.00 and -2.75.... are you blind?

  2. You do have what is considered severe myopia. I have seen worse though, just so you know. You are not in the norm, but we see people with your Rx quite often in our office. Yes, we myopes (I am at a -6.75) do have a higher incidence of risks.

    Degenerative myopia, a rare condition in which the eye continues to elongate far beyond a normal range, can lead to a variety of serious complications. These include stretching and thinning of the eye’s outer shell, or sclera, retinal detachment, macular degeneration, increased likelihood of cataracts, and even glaucoma. If you are seen by your doctor on a regular basis, you will most likely be told if they saw anything out of the ordinary. I would say that if your Doctor has not said anything else to you about it, you most likely have healthy eyeballs! Next time you see them ask them if there are any other things you should be aware of that you have not discussed in the past. I bet they would love to talk to your further about anything that you have questions about!

  3. Yes, ur vision can be considered to be very bad. Maybe u shd consider getting lasik done.

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