
How Bush left us in 10 trillion dollar deficit?

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How Bush left us in 10 trillion dollar deficit?




  1. His little exercise in futility in Iraq and the fact that millions are being poured into that lost cause could have something to do with it, not to mention tax breaks for all of his wealthy @ss kissers and oil cronies while the working class are expected to flip the bill for his indiscretions. You can olly get so much blood from a hamster.

  2. Funding the Iraq war, rampant military spending (including no-bid agreements with certain large corporations), repeated tax cuts for the rich, and the largest expansion of government in decades all contributed to the increased deficit.

  3. the war that costs billions of dollars everyday... EVERYDAY... cant even give me a ******* 1k from that spending to make this citizens life more smoothly, but instead spend it on some garbage dump country that shouldnt deserve even the slightest bit of freedom

  4. More spending than earning. its simple economics. He was voted in as a republican and ran as a democrat. Regan said-"I dont worry about the deficit, its big enough to handle its self."

  5. It was not Bush, it was the Democrats that take up most of the House.  The war is not the only thing that costs money.  All the Democratic giveaways such as Welfare, insurance for a bunch of immigrants, and college tuition breaks for illegal immigrants kids, just to name a few.  

  6. Because he is enable to run this country!

    Because people are stupid to suport him and this F war.

    And they will be more stupid by voting for Mccain. He will be a second Bush. :S

    By the way the democrats took over only at the last two years, and the damage was already done.

  7. Problem is that the Democrats were right there voting yes to every spending bill and adding pork every step of the way.

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