I know that the question has become quite clichéd,but today being World Environment Day,I couldn't contain myself from asking what measures we could take to prevent the "problem" we all lecture a lot about,but hardly take much action against..Now,I'm not talking of Huge Life-changing steps,such as giving up all fossil fuels from today,replacing it with renewable sources of Energy..No,I'm talking about tiny,but extremely helpful measures,such as taking the trouble to make sure we've turned off all the switches after use..etc.Now,here are some of the tips i have,and my 'question' is,"Could you help me contribute to the following list?":
*Recycle all plastics,newspapers,tins etc..Re-use glass jars,aluminium foils(after washing) if possible.
*Keep separate trash cans for bio-degradable nd non-biodegradable wastes.
*Try to minimise the use of A/Cs etc. and make sure they are off after use.
*Conserve water wherever possible and minimise the number of times you wash a car..