
How Can A 12 Year Old Make Good Money (That Works)?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i was wondering how can a 12 year old make money that people would acculy pay for?

Please dont just say lawn mowning , or baby sitting or snow shoving? Never worked for me unless you know a way it would work, Please involve Some stuff that accly works.





  1. You could try to find investors for a small business and get paid $200 for your assistance. This job would not be complicated because lot's of people are looking for better interest rates.

    For details go to

  2. oooohhhh.... ur 12 too? kool. i have a similar problom. wen i get my answer that i like the best i'm gonna tell u too. ok? =]

  3. im in the same situation!

  4. uggg..... me too..... wat i did was put up babysitting flyers at local bullitan boards in gas stations and vets and libraries..... srry if i didn't help:(

    Good Luck!

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