
How Can A Guy Become A Girl?

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Besides Crossdressing?




  1. have a s*x change, other than that, its not possible

  2. hormone therapy, painful electrolysis, voice training, vaginoplasty, facial feminization surgery, and at the very least about $15,000. It's definately a commitment but it's the only possible choice for you if you truly feel like a woman.

    To the person above me, I'm not trying to belittle your opinion but actually studies done on the brains of transgender women  show that they are closer in structure to a female brain than a male brain. This may be because they have taken female hormones which create breast tissue and redistribute fat to create curves. Hormones make your skin smoother and your hair finer, which suggest that maybe chemicals have a great deal more to do with gender than previously thought. While it is true that you will never turn that Y into an X that doesn't mean that you aren't a woman. If anything you're MORE of a woman because you have to earn it.

  3. besides having surgery, though it will cost you lots of money... otherwise nothing you can do.

  4. I'm going to tell you straight but that Im not that qualified to answer  this,

    Be wary of those who you get answers from., everyone can be right, but not everyone has the right attitude towards transgendered ppl.

    There are plenty of ppl who choose to dress and refer to themselves as another gender, but choose not to have the surgery because they either cant afford it or see it as not worth it for them.

    Personally, I'm attracted to feminine types who have penises. I mean a person who carried themselves as women but choose to hang on to what they were born with - nearly impossible to find- but this exists. I know they exist because of a movement that encourages gender fluidity but discourages surgical change because these things are not perfect.  

    There are millions of websites dedicated to crossdressing.

  5. LOL  get rid of your hose and get a faucet.

  6. It's called Dr. v****a Man who lives in California.

  7. & the winning answer is.... Getting a s*x change.  But that is a long & expensive process.

  8. Go through a s*x change, however it isn't THAT easy, it's a long process.

    Heres some links with information for you:

    Edit: Erm wear womens clothes, obviously.

  9. This is a loaded question. The "truth" is it cannot be done. I am a male and my DNA is male and that cannot be changed. I can take hormone treatments, I can have a s*x change and I can also appear to be female and I assure you this writer would be one "ugly" woman. But, I will still genetically remain a male as I've said this cannot be changed.

    We can comfort ourselves or convince ourselves that we have morphed into a "woman" while denying that our male DNA exist. But the scientific reality is the same. Male DNA = male human.

    Example: If I learn the French language and dress as the Queen of France that doesn't make it so. I'm still me. I remain a male dressed as the Queen of France speaking French. I'm still not a Queen (True Royalty) and I'm still not a woman even though I've hacked off my schmekle and replaced it with a "man made v****a" without a menstrual cycle. I can "believe" I'm now a woman but my DNA will continue to disagree. That is the reason "hormone" therapy is required to bring to fruition the "look" that I'm seeking.

    You can be a transsexual but you can never convert a male to a female as mother nature is an overly protective mom and won't let you.She will let you play dress up and pretend but if you go against her she will give you more than time out or a spanking.

    I'm Paranormal Hamburger and I approve this message.

    My answers are fat free, cholesterol free, sugar free and contain no calories. ©2008 By Paranormal Hamburger. (Humor) All Rights Reserved.

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