
How Can I Advertize baby sitting?

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I am 14 and there are really no job opportunities where I live beside baby sitting. Tuesday I'm getting my Red Cross certification, and plus I've worked at a day care every summer since I was 11 with my cousin. So..How can I go about advertizing?




  1. you can make fliers and pin them up on bulletin boards that you see.

  2. make out a resume of you qualifications that includes references and post copies a you local supermarket or church bulletin board.  make sure you put pull off tabs with your phone number so the people can contact you.  I suggest offering a free "get to know me" hour where you interact with the kids while the parent observe you in action.  During the summer many moms want a mother's helper to assist with their kids.

  3. word of mouth, fliers put on cars at the shopping center, fliers at the grocery store bulletin board. you can start with relatives if they have small children. good luck

  4. Flyers on community bulliten board will help, and also maybe take an ad in your local neighboorhood newsletter/newspaper. Usually they let you do that for free. And don't forget word of mouth! For ever person you babysit make sure they let their friends know you great a job you did and leave a card or notecard with your info on it to give to there friends. Heck you can even make a website if you're bored enough haha.

  5. When I was little I had a car wash business. We would make really BRIGHT flyers and tape them on some mailboxes. We posted some on bulletin boards. It was really busy.

  6. hang posters at local businesses

    If you want to pay, put an ad in the paper

    the posters usually work good for that kind of thing.

  7. you can put flyers out ask your mum or dad to put the good word out.i wantted to be a baby sitter just make sure you put yourself out there.

  8. Go to your neighbors and let them know what you doing and have them spread the word. Word of mouth is the best advertisement. Good Luck

  9. Heyy Girl,

                            If you want to get more business then make flyers. Just remember that putting them in poublic places could be dangerous, you dont know what kind of people read those flyers. i would give them to people you know have kids and tell them to pass word along to their friends and family. Also tell friend to tell people about you if they can't babysit when they are asked

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