
How Can I Be A Professional Wrestler?? Im Just 13?

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  1. It would help, if you put your height and weight in the question, so i could give you some advice or something.

    If you have a Passion and you believe you will make it, no matter what happens, you keep going, Then yeah i'm sure you will make it.

    But you have to be 18 to train.

    You could see if your school has a wrestling team, or see if there is a wrestling team in your city/state

  2. Sorry, You Gotta Be At Least 15 Just Wait For 2 Years!

  3. you have to go to a wrestling school graduate from their and  i thimk they bring you to ovw or fcw not sure .

  4. well actualy you probably could because rey mysterio became a wrestler when he was 15 good luck

  5. You really can't work in the business as a wrestler until you are 18 so you have plenty of time to get yourself in the best shape possible and practice practice practice.  Don't try anything too risky that could get you seriously injured.  They will teach you how to safely perform those types of moves when you sign up with a pro-wrestling school.  There are many good schools out there that have trained many famous wrestlers but do your research carefully.  Also, depending on your state's labor laws, you may also be able to work part-time setting up rings for the indy's that come to your area maybe when your 15 or so.  You can get a lot of good advice and leads from getting to know the people involved in the indy feds.  Finally, don't expect too much as far as becoming rich and famous.  Very few make it to that level.  I hope you do.  Best of luck!!!

  6. bulk up by eating, and going out for sports. when your old enough and strong enough get a wrestling coach like many others. if your good enough, then you'll know what to do yourself

  7. 13? join a high school wrestling team

    next read this

    Wrestling had become tremendously popular over the last few years. So it is natural that more and more people want to become wrestlers. Most want to do it for the fame, money, or they think it’s an exciting lifestyle. Well, wrestlers are famous, they do make a lot of money, and their lives are pretty exciting. The average wrestler wannabe doesn’t know what a wrestler’s life is really like. They don’t realize how much work and dedication they need to become successful. Being a wrestler may seem glamorous, but it’s anything but.

    Probably the biggest misconception about wrestling is how many times someone must work. Most people see wrestlers once or twice a week, and think that’s all they do. What these people don’t get to see are all the house shows. A house show is a wrestling event not televised. The average wrestler does his job in the ring 4-5 times a week. And if you thing that’s not hard work, go to a wrestling school and go at it for about twenty minutes. Then tell me it’s not hard.

    There’s also the life on the road. Picture yourself as a wrestler. You wake up at 7:00 in the morning. You get to the airport at 8:30. You take a flight across the country and arrive at 11:00. After renting a car, checking into a hotel room, and something to eat, it’s 1:00. Time to go to a photo shoot. So you drive to a mall and sign autographs until 3:00. It’s time to head on over to the arena. Getting through traffic, you might make it by 4:30. After you eat something and do a short workout, it’s 5:30. At that time you go talk to one of the bookers and he goes over your match with you. If you can find the time, you and your opponent do a quick run down of what’s going to happen. By then it’s 7:00 and it’s time to go on. You wrestle a match and leave the arena at 10:00. You get to the hotel by 12:00 and get some sleep before you do it all over again in the morning. Now find time to workout and keep the marvelous body a wrestler has. And you want some sort of social life don’t you? Good luck.

    But if you are determined, it isn’t impossible to become a wrestler. The first thing you must do is go to a local wrestling school. A good phone book should supply you with information on at least one training facility. When you get signed up (the cost is around $2000 for two months) you begin to train. 99 percent of people never make it past the school. Imagine high school football, except twice as hard. The trainer doesn’t care if you quit or not, he’s just doing his job. They let you know you’re going to get hurt, that’s unavoidable. Most people walk away from the school after the first week with bruises galore. If you’re one of the lucky, and I use that word loosely, people to make it through, then it’s time for the independent federations.

    You’ll be working once or twice a week, in front of 100-300 people making $25 a night or sometimes nothing at all. This is to work on your ring skills and your personality. Some guys find themselves in these small leagues for years, others never make it past them. Now if you’re lucky enough to get yourself booked in a show and a scouter happens to be there, you have a slight chance he might like you. If he does, then you’ll be receiving a phone call or letter asking to wrestle a dark match. A dark match is a match done the night of a TV taping, but is not aired. They’re done to pump up the crowd. So you go to the big company, meet all the wrestlers, wrestle your match, and go home. 9 out of 10 times you just wait for that to happen again. If you’re really a lucky one, you’ll get a phone call to come back and wrestle some more dark matches. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll get signed by a major company.

    So as you can see, being a wrestler is a tough job. Even if you do make it through school and get hired by a top federation, will you be able to handle the schedule? That’s something you have to ask yourself before you pursue this career.

  8. i am 13 as well take combined martial arts or any wrestling training and when u r 18 i will meet u in the ring my friend

  9. Buy a trampoline and learn how to flip. U can also practise some moves on the trampoline that aren't to dangerouse. Once you get to 18 u should enter a wrestling training center or something like Ohio Valley Wrestling.

  10. Get some great acting skills and muscle up and probably get a lot more athletic and just keep on training

  11. put all your effort into it.

    go to a training school($3,000).

  12. wait a couple of years

  13. Start woriking out and then in 5 years go to ufc or Wwe .. or do something better like football or basket ball

  14. allways do bodybuilding and get mustles and get abs.Do sit ups do push ups and then when u grow up u will be really strong so when u r 26 start wrestling.!!!.

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