
How Can I Be Certain My Tragus Won't Get Infected? (Cleaning) And Can I Go In The Sea Five Days After?

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Just got my tragus pierced today, and I'm scared it'll get infected. I'm going to clean it twice a day with sea salt solution and every now and then give it a sea salt soak.

When I had my lobes pierced, the skin on one of my ears grew over the back of one of the earrings (so I basically had a earring back stuck under my skin) and it had to be cut out. I'm scared this will happen with my tragus, so has anybody got any tips?

-Oh and I'm planning to go to the beach on Wednesday (5 days after I've had it pierced) and will I be able to get it wet in the sea?

Thanks to all that reply




  1. as a body piercer we tell everyone who gets their tragus pierced to get twice a day with 3/4 cup of boiling water 1/2 a teaspoon of sea salt and a cotton wool bud

    as for the stud getting lost in your ear this wont happen as long as the stud is long enough to accomadate the swelling you can take ibuporfen for the swelling and feel free to go in the water down the beach just clean it as soon as you come out of the water (take some of the sea salt solution with you in a clean bottle

    also tea tree oil is a good healer put it on your tragus after doing your clean leave it on 3-4 mins and take it off using your sea salt solition hope this helps good luck with your new piercing

    p.s did u get it done with a gun or a needle ???

  2. just keep it cleaning, no playing with it etc

    i recommend you do not go in the sea at this stage, is so just don't get water on it.

      If you do just clean it when you get home, well!!

    good luck and you will be fine:-)

  3. When I got my tragus pierced, I used alcohol to clean it and twisted it everyday as you would with a regular earring.  

  4. I have both tragus pierced on each ear. Make sure your jewelry is comfortable fitted so that the jewelry won't irritate the new piercing causing those bumps that usually occur on cartilage piercings. Make sure to cleanse the area w/ warm sea salt soaks 2-3 times a day for 10 mins. You will be able to go to the beach with out any problems since the sea contains sea salt, just make sure to rinse your tragus piercing w/ fresh water after. Don't swim in a pool, lake or pond, the pool contains chlorine which can irritate the piercing and the lake & pond contain bacteria that can harm your piercing. You can swim in a pool after 3-4 mons, but be sure to cleanse the area throughly after w/ fresh water. Don't apply any harsh chemicals such as alcohol, peroxide, bactine, neosporin, etc they can clog and dry out a piercing. Good Luck.

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