
How Can I Be More Quiet When Using A Pad?

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Okay, so I like using tampons, but it takes me ages to insert them, so I don't really use them at school, so I use pads. Anyways, at the toilets at school, how can I make less noise when fiddling with the wrapper, etc. Its so loud and embarrassing! Everyone knows what you're doing coz its heaps obvious! I have tried to like pretend to cough and stuff but what else can I do?




  1. get wax paper and remove the wrapper before going to school. wax paper is thicker so it doesnt make that sound and it will still keep the adhesive good for well adhereing to your panties.

    basically stick the pads to the wax paper

  2. Don't worry about it. We all have to do it at some stage. Other people shouldn't be listening to what you are doing in the toilet.

  3. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    who cares

  4. You are way too self conscience about this. EVERY girl going into that bathroom has a period too. When you happen to hear someone in there fiddling with the wrapper, do you get the urge to run to the office and grab the P.A. system and announce it to the school? Or do you just blow it off as not a big deal and go on with your life?

  5. I do all the loud noisy bits when the toilet is flushing :D

  6. ..flush th toilet mayb..

  7. Don't worry about it :)  Everyone has to do it, and no one cares that you are :)  You notice it more then anyone else does :)

  8. You make it more obvious by trying to hide it -- everyone knows when someone is trying hide the fact that their on their period or taking a dump by running the water or something - and it doesn't fool anyone!!  Best to just not give a sh*t, everyone in that room gets it so whats the difference.  If it's really that important to you, try practicing using tampons - it might be difficult to insert because you're going at the best angle.

  9. Look, at school it's all girls together in the bathroom so you shouldn't be embarrassed. Just flush the toilet if you really don't want to fiddle with the wrapper, but you shouldn't worry.  

  10. I know what you mean - i think it is one of those totally normal things that every woman does but its horrible to think that others can hear you doing it! lol

    I flush the toilet and then quickly un wrap. But you'd wanna get it all ready in just one flush cos if you fluch twice people will think you dropped a HUGE load which is HEAPS more embarrassing. ;) xx

  11. i have the same problem honey!!!

    i usually just do it after everyone leaves or when someone flushes the toilet.

    good luck♥

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