
How Can I Be Sure I Get My Electives That I Want For 8th Grade?

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you know how in middle school they have a day that you can pick ur electives for next year?


i have had drama class in 6th grade and in seventh grade

and in both years

i seriously was the perfect student

i did everything my teacher asked me to do

i was perfect!

i never did anything wrong

but the day that we had to pick electives

i wasnt there becuase i needed to go to the dentist.

so heres the hard part

the school is losing money becuase dade county public schools owes the goverment money r sumthing like tht

maybe u guys heard


there is only ONE drama class!

the one i want to be in!

i would get straight A's to be in tht class!

so is there any way possible tht i can make sure i get drama for 8th grade?




  1. ask your parents to call the school and see if they can fit you in that class!

  2. it depends on how many students are already in that class..

    because you miss the day where you pick electives there might have been other students signed up..

    but try to get a schedule change and see from there

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