
How Can I Be The Surfer I've Always Wanted To Be ?

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i want to become a really good surfer but it's almost impossible for me !

i live in Florida although it is known for surfing i happen to live right in the middle of the state in orlando.

i know that coco and Sabastion inlet are some pretty good spots but their still an hour away and now with rising gas prices its gunna cost wayyy too much to drive back and forth.

i Would love just to be 15-10 minutes from the beach. i cant wait any longer ! i have surfed before and did some carving the Very first day ! uhhh what should i do to somehow achieve my dream of some day winning a contest. even if its small its something i'v always wanted to do and i dont want to want till im 18 and can move some were w/ friends( right now im 15).

i would like to get good now ! so how can i somehow presue my dream ?!?!?!

also, my parents dont want to move and wont dive me to the beach too often, like 1 every 2 months or month

so.... what do u think?




  1. goodnesss stop whining.

    get off the internet and beg to go to the beach


  2. I suggest you build yourself a 4 foot miniramp in the backyard, skating ramp helps you develop the coordination for turning and dropping in. It's what I do when the surf is flat.

    Also, get an after school part time job and save money for trips to Puerto Rico, time it right and you could surf perfect waves everyday. That's a great way to get really good, come home to Florida and rip.

  3. A huge number of surfers your age are in Cocoa Beach and other local spots every weekend.  I don't think it would be that hard to find a group to ride-share with as often as you want to go.  Join the 2nd light web page and start looking for folks in your area.  Getting good enough to win a contest is another story.  That would take some serious dedication and natural talent.  Best wait until you have a few years experience under your belt before you decide if you really want to become competitive.

  4. if ur parents dont want to take u have family or friends take u and also dont 4 get to tell ur parents how much surfing means to you and how it apart of u blablahblah...

  5. There is not much you can do at 15, you are stuck with yucky stuff like finishing school, doing what you folks want etc..I appreciate your problem, I live 2 hours from the closest beach, and gas is way too expensive for me to get down every weekend (and I have a good job!). Now, that might be an idea. If you don't have a job, think about getting one. You can work a deal with your mom. You work, earn money, and give her money for HER gas, in return for a weekend a month at the beach (If you earn enough, you can front the $40.00 overnight stay at Motel 6).

    Now, when you are a little older, you can think about a summer job at the beach (you don't have to be 18, but 15 just doesn't make it for living away from home). There are lots of cool tourist industry jobs that give you plenty of time to surf. When I was your age, I was a movie janitor, and had all day off to surf (I lived at the beach in the summer, I was lucky, and things were cheaper 40 years ago).

    Dreaming is something you do while you are asleep. Achieving things is something you do with your eyes wide open. make a plan, and be prepared to work hard on land, as well as in the water, and I will read about you in Surfer magazine someday.

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