
How Can I Become Famous? Im Only 13! Help me!

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Okay I want to be famous not just because i want to be well none, i want to make enough money for my family, so everyone can be happy and get every bill paid off. I love to write, and act. I'm A Girl, and I love the city, even though i live in the country, i love the computer, and to type, i love music then anything besides my family.

I'm not that happy, i want everyone to know i'm not doing

it for myself, its all for my family. When I'm In Front Of People Just Like Me, I'm happy. I love to just be me, i love people, if i could sell everything of mine i would, for every kid with out a home to have one.

Well Thanks





  1. Dont! Being famous is not the key point... the key point is to be an artist. Just pursue it, perform, perform, perform, in any possible play to get seen by as many people possible... You also have to identify a style that you want. A person, group, or company that really make you think "I want to do that". Find a way to practice with their technique (and i said practice, rather than study). practice is finally what will get you on stage in a solid way. Make yourself clear if you want either a JOB or an artistic activity that will make you happy. Being notorious is not necessary being talented, or, even worse, it will make you compromise many ethical things that you might not like to do or act in plays that you dont really like. The commercial circuit not always cross roads with the pure artistic lane, so you have to be focused in what you deeply wish. Welcome! Best of luck

  2. Hey don't let location hold you back.  What I would suggest is maybe a vocal coach or an agent but both those can get really pricey. If I were you I would talk to your parents about really getting into open auditions and get involved with the business.  But make sure that you have a nice head-shot ready just in case they need you in LA. Good Luck!!

  3. get headshots done, this doesnt have to be TOO expensive.. find a photographer who is up-and-coming. The expensive part is getting them printed.. you can do it at walmart but its still going to run you 2-3 dollars per black and white 8x10 which is what you need.

    Send your headshots to every agent who works with the companies you are striving for, Disney or Nick for example. Do you have any talens such as singing or dancing? Triple threats help.

    Go to as many auditions as possible. Write to as many agents as possible and send your headshot to every agent, modeling agency, acting coach and studio as possible.

    Act in as many local theatre companies as possible, you need to build up credibility and skill.

    I hate to say it but money helps.. being able to fly and travel to auditions over and over and over are what get people noticed. Be prepared to face LOTS of scrutiny and rejection.  

  4. Well that's sweet that you want to help you're family. but to be honest you have to be prepared to do hard work over acting. You can't become famous overnight.

    And why acting, are you sure you want to? Others get paid by being in businesses, doctors, lawyers.

    And i hope you have the talent and effort to work hard to do whatever you want to get rich.

    (most actors do it for the art, not to become famous. and if you WANT to be famous, be prepared for rumors, paparazzi, people watching you all the time, stalkers etc.)

    I wish you and your family the best. but really think about your plans to become famous.  

  5. There's a talent recruiting network called

    It's a great place to start for anyone with talents (singing, acting, comedy, etc) thinking about becoming famous.


    1. get some training (dance,voice acting)

    2. community theater

    3 make sure you REALLY want this

    4 get an agent

    this all could take years but go and follow your dreams and always have a backup

  7. Ok so, don't aim to be "famous". some people are willing to work their butts off just to be able to SURVIVE doing what they love, what they have a passion for [acting, in my case] Just work hard in school, get scholarships and stuff for college, just try. don't spend time asking about how to get famous on yahoo! answers. spend time working to be sucessful. I too am 13, with dreams of acting in my future. I don't aim to have people know my name or get loads of money. I just try to be happy and comfortable. Be happy.

    good luck.

  8. Join the rest of planet Earth. The vast majority want to be famous, not for actually diong any good, but the easy wealth, or so they think, that comes with it. Set your sights on doing the best you can, with whatever talents you have, and fame and fortune may follow. If they don't then you can enjoy your life doing something that you are good at. Good luck

  9. do something amazingly stupid.

  10. that iis soooo sweet!!! :] try to do local plays and theater in school or in your town. that will help u start. look on websites or sometimes on comercials they will advertise for actors/actresses needed. hope i helped:] also ask someone in charge of drama and stuff like tht at school that person should be able to help!!!

    answer anyone please

  11. Start off taking lessons early!!

    Take acting or singing or modeling or whatever your interested in.

    That'll help you a TON.  

  12. I'm 13 too. and i want to be famous to. Like if you like to sing practice it like by doing singing lessons online and sing on videos and put it on youtube. or other websites and see what people say about it and you can improve. Or there is this website called Explore Talent and you can make a profile and put things about you and they will tell you when there are auditions near you. and everything. there are alot of othere websites but i hope i helped. !!

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