
How Can I Build a Wind Power Windmill?

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I was wondering How Can I Build a Wind Power Windmill?




  1. I'm actually starting to do the same thing at the minute. The best thing I found was on Youtube check it out. very informative. Good luck with your project =)

  2. You can build a wind power windmill by going to the website: and getting the plans. I built my windmill in 1 afternoon with those plans. My electric bill went from 400 dollars a month to 50 dollars a month! Give it a try!

  3. Take a bicycle wheel without tyre. Make it horizontally in its axiel. Connect sum bigger size funel  about 4 or six in its outer surface. Make it to rotate it in the wind.Use a cycle dinamo or any other small d.c motor or generator to fix in it. When the wheel rotates you get electricity power.

  4. You can create your own DIY wind Power generator for your house and save lots of $$$

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