
How Can I Change My Diet?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in such a bad diet, I drink like a coke every day, and eat nothing but junk, Chips- popcorn- YUCK

I need to change, But I can't Stop!

My Basic Problems:

-I have a salt addiction!!

-I ALWAYS crave chips,

-I have heart jumps, where I can feel My heart beating, Like it's growing, and then it pops

PLEASE Help, I'm Killing myself slowly but surely, If anyone can help me! I need to trust you guys, cause I know in my unhealty heart I cannot trust myself.

Godbless you.




  1. DOn't suddenly eat all this healthy c**p, your body wont be used to it!

    Try doing baby steps, eliminate one food per week/ cut down

    for example: Try to drink 5 cokes a week instead of 7

    For chips get the low fat kind, or a brand that is healthier if you can't live without your chips :)

    You heart is probably reacting to your unhealthy diet so try doing exercises that increase your heart rate  

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