
How Can I Convince My Mom That Our House Isn't All Too Safe?

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I'm a beginning recreational lockpicker. The first lock I've ever tried to pick is our front door. I used a paperclip and screwdriver and almost got it picked before the tiny paperclip bent. She refuses to believe that our thug riddled street block is not safe. How can I convince her it's not safe? I got a plan, but I need better ideas.

The current plan is to disguise myself as a theif, and when she gets off work, I'll make it look like I'm not home and the lock's been picked ('ll disconnect the phone so she don't call the police with a false report). When she comes in, I'll run out the back and slam the door. Then, I'll get out of the disguise and come in on my bike and ask "Who was that person?" She will acknowledge the fact that our house isn't safe. Got anything better?




  1. I think your being too Paranoid and ur plan is very stupid... lol like something id do.... but just dont worry about it too much real theifs can surpass a few well locked doors

  2. train to pick the lock, when you can, show her how fast you can do it, tell her to watch "it takes a thief" on discovery channel

    dont do the thief idea, VERY bad idea

  3. i don't think the theif idea will work out 2 good but u can have the neighborhood watch team come ovr + encourage her 2 beef ur the security or u can give her neighborhood stats on ur crime rate

  4. Sounds like you need some dead you have glass in your door or entry way.......that can be cut w/circle glass cutter. Should also have a bolt in lock at the bottom of glass doors because they can be lifted out of the tracks....that's enough.......I just might be teaching the wrong person...........nite.........if your sincere do warn her about these items.

  5. She'll shoot you. One of my friends tried that and their dad almost shot them.

    Does she know you pick locks? If so, tell her even you can pick the lock. Try getting some of her friends on the same page as you. Good luck!

  6. Arm yourself with statistics and then have your local law enforcement come in to tell her how your home security can be improved.

  7. Thats an awsome idea.

  8. I'm familiar with drama queens.  Now I have encountered a drama prince.

    Locks keep out only honest people.  Anyone who wants to break in can do so - break window,  cut screen, etc.

    Don't frighten your Mom.  You will pay for it sooner or later..

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