
How Can I Convince My Parents To Get Me Contacts?

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they say that the solution will make me go blind and stuff, but i really want contacts and am willing to try anything.

i don't have mony to buy them, and i've tried doing extra chores but that doesn't work.




  1. solution doesn't make you go blind, they even have chemical free kind too.  Just tell them it will improve your grades because you will be able to see the board better at school. :-) But anyways, yes, they are expensive, but they are worth it.

  2. thats easy, set up an appointment  with a doctor and have him explain it to them. if they dont believe ur doctor then ur parents are ridiculous.

    they dont even know whats in the contact solution do they?

    anyway that shud work. contacts are great too. they irritate ur eyes a little bit later in the day but u can see everything much better. and they're so much more convenient for sports and outside activities like that. much less hassle except maintenance (cleaning, storing)

  3. Ha ha the soulution won't blind you... don't worry

    I have contacts and i'm 12.

    To get money:

    Get a job


    water peoples plants... lol idk

    Convince your parents:

    Print proof off of internet

    tell them how many people use contacts, and it doesn't make them go blind

    have an eye doctor explain to them how contacts are great!

    Convince them to make an appointment so they can atleast see what the optromatist says

    I hope i helped! My mom let me get contacts because i have braces and glasses... not a grea tmix

  4. Okay, go and see your eye doctor with them, and have him tell them [and you] all about contacts. The solution will not make you go blind, its to keep the lenses cleen so that your eyes won't be irritated. The reason I said to go to the doctor and talk about it with them is that they'll feel more comfortable about it having an expert tell them the facts and stuff. Good luck! =]]

  5. Your mom is saying that so you won't want them and if she thinks that then she needs to ask an Eye doctor so he can laugh. I am in my twenties and I have been wearing them since i was 14 and I have had no problems yet.  

    OK see I can type  not blind yet:)

    Also today contacts are not Expensive..Shop around.

  6. You can buy contacts that you change every two weeks (sometimes you can wear them for up to a month as long as they aren't foggy.) They might think that you have to use a new pair each day. My mom thought that they're expensive too. It's about $70.00 at Walmart for a 6 month supply.

    And as long as you clean the case once a week, change the case every 3 months, and wash your hands before and after taking them out you'll be fine.

  7. There's only one reason people get contacts.  Vanity.  afraid of what you'll look like.

    NEWS FLASH:  if you're ugly, you'll still be ugly with contacts.  If you're pretty, you'll still be pretty with glasses.

  8. try and have them talk to your eye doctor about it and see what they say. i have contacts and i can still see. well good luck

  9. now with the solution mess they're just coming up with bull s*** because they're lazy..if you already have glasses accidently break them..but don't make it obvious and tell them they are easier for sports and not as big of a distraction

  10. Call an eye doctor and have your parents talk to them.  Maybe that will help.  Your parents sound absolutely ridiculous.

  11. contacts are really safe, nobody would have them if they made you go blind!

    pros of contacts:

    peripheral vision

    about 32 million people in the US wear contacts

    more comfortable than thick, heavy lenses

    don't fog up

    fit snugly on your eye, reducing likelihood of getting particles under them

    no glass lense reflections

    less costly than spectacles

    good luck :]

  12. I just asked for contacts as my Christmas/birthday present from my parents. Other than that maybe they think your too young.

  13. Do some REAL research and talk to your parents together.  

    FIND an after school job as dog walker.  You probably are not old enough to work legally so you have to do what you can.  You also have offer to pay for the initial lenses.  They get lost easily, kids get bored with the mess of them.  I have a friend who has bought her daughter five pair of lenses in the last two years.  Daughter threw a royal fit when Mom said "No more.  buy 'em yourself.'  we could hear her down at our house.   Eventually she bought a pair and funnily enough has not lost them.  

  14. How old are you? Have the opthamoligist help, use daily wear so you don't have to deal with cleaning them. If you are  a responsible kid. Most optometrists/opthamologists are ok with kids as young as 11 wearing contacts. They are particularly helpful in sports (won't get broken etc...)  

  15. You will have to do some research.  Gather all of the information you can about contacts, and talk to others your age ad their parents who use them.  This should help reassure them.  You could even have your parents speak to your eye doctor.  If all else fails, wait about a year.  The next time you go for an exam, bring it up to your eye doctor, and have him or her give your parents the real scoop on contacts.  

    Good luck.

  16. Solution doesn't make you go blind. Just say for christmas or birthday.... The only thing i really want is contacts.

  17. Contacts are actually really great.

    to clear up some stuff:

    the solution does NOT make you go blind

    first learning how to put them in and take them out can be tricky

    you have to be comfortable with touching ur eye

    you need to be mature and responsible

    and they do cost alot.

    u should try asking their opinions on it. Mayb its just to much money right now. If so try babysitting, getting a job, dogwalking, etc.

  18. well it took me a while to get mine but i need mine for skiing just find a good reason

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