
How Can I Cure My Acne In Less Then A Month?

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Hey i want to know the secret formula for curing acne in less than a month.And I will like the herbs that will cure my acne in less time.




  1. I use this product called Acne Free from over the counter and my face is very clear now.....Tip:some hair products can give you acne if it gets on your face..

  2. Well you can use the one below  and you will get amazing results,just try it out!

    Unfrozen dinners/hot pockets/frozen or ordered out pizza/at least 2 cans of

    pop a day/i eat at a fast food place max of 2 times a week.

    If you do this you will surely be amazed

  3. Sea Salt  /    Make a mild solution of sea salt and water then mist your face and let it dry for about 15min and then rinse with warm water, this will pull the impurities out of your skin and speed up healing then follow up with a light moisturizer.

    hope this helps


  4. try epicure for acne


    eat healthy


    wash ur face twice a day acne soap n let ur face dry by itself..dont use a towel

  5. 1) Cook oatmeal and apply on face for fifteen minutes and wash.

    2) Make a warm bath with blanch of nettle and rosemary.

    3) Apply equal amount of lemon juice and rose water with a cotton ball and wash it after haif an hour for 15 to 20 days.

    For dozens of more ways, prevention, types and reasons check

  6. try using african black soap

    nutrogena acne wash works really well also



    selson blue dandruff shampoo even makes pimples go away if you wash your face in it

  7. i dont know of any herbs, but drinking a lot of water does your skin very good. trust me. drink water

    other than that, you have to see what your dermatologist has to say about your question. he/she can prescribe you some medication that will handle your acne problem.

  8. Apply the cinnamon powder- lemon juice paste (one teaspoon each to make a paste) on the acne affected area daily to get good results within 3 weeks. Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne

  9. Tea Tree Oil - get it from your chemist.

    You could also try going to the doctor who will give you some benzoyl peroxide cream and some antibiotics, such as oxytetracycline.

  10. I used to have it really bad. Don't listen to people telling you to wash it twice a day, that stimulates the oil glands, do it once a day, with a cleanser eg clean and clear, then apply a water based moisturiser. This sounds crazy cos you might think you want to make the skin dryer, but if you keep it hydrated in a non-oily way, then it will make less oil! You can get moisturisers especially for this, I use clean and clear moisturiser, works a treat :-) also, if its really bad you can talk to your GP. I went through loads of atibiotics that worked temporarily then wore off. Now I am on dianette, a contraceptive pill. Took 5 months to actually work :-( but now I have nothing! Haven't had a spot in about 9 months! Hope this helps.

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