
How Can I Cure My Rabbit

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I'm Unsure Of How Old He Is But I Have Had This Rabbit For About Half A Year Now, The Problem Is That He Is Going Slightly Bald Not Completely But He's Getting Small Bald Patched On His Back And One Of Them Is Quite Large And Has A Little Rash Upon The Visible Skin, Do You Think You Could Let Me Know Why This Might Be Happening To Him And If There's A Solution. I Should Also Let You Know We Have Suspicions That He May Be Wild But It Is Not Curtain Yet This Is Because He Has The Colourings Of A Wild Rabbit And He Like Most Wild Rabbits He Has A Habit Of Going Into A Begging Kind Of Position But Like He Is Looking Around For Any Danger Like They might In The Wild.. But We Got Him From A Normal Pet Shop Just Thought I'd Let You Know Just In case That Helped. Thankyou (: x




  1. I know exactly what your talking about, the same thing happens to my rabbit all the time all you have to do is buy some vitamins for his water and each time you change the water add a few drops as instructed on the bottle, you can buy them from most pet shops, after a week the infection should be cleared :) x  

  2. Take it to the vets, duh

  3. No disrespect to you but he sounds strssed! you can'y keep him lookwd up in his run/cage. if he has the coulorings of a wild one you need to stimulate hum let him in the house sometimes. buy a harness to walk him round the garden sound odd but it might just work my childhood one was wild brown/black we taught him an assult course he was 16 when he died!!!

    Trudy X

  4. Take him to the vet! You can go to the national house rabbit society web site and find a vet in your area!

  5. First, the wild part.  I very much doubt that he is wild, if he was wild you'd not be able to get anywhere near him.  All bunnies will 'thump' their feet and stand up tall if they feel or hear someone coming.  They hang out alot in grass, so standing tall gives them a way to see what's 'out there'.  The colors of wild rabbits are very commonly found in pet rabbits as well.  I would guess that if he's grayish with flecks of darker/lighter colors that color is called 'agouti'.  

    The going bald part.  Just going bald is often a sign of vitamin deficiency or something in his diet doesn't agree with him and I'd say change his diet a bit. BUT bald with rash is different.  It could be a parasite (mites) or food  or something else.  To be sure, I'd take him to a vet who knows rabbits for a checkup. And, while he's there, if he already isn't neutered, it would be a good time to take care of that. He will be a much better and healthier pet if you do.  Good luck with Mr. Bunny.

  6. You need to take him to a vet rabbits need vaccinations.

    He might have an allergy infact only a vet will be able to help you.

    Good Luck

  7. first of all do you keep her/he with another rabbit? if so....of what age? because some rabbits of different ages or s*x may fight and result in loss of fur through conflict!

    Check for mites or can get an easy spray on tick killer or tick remover for fairly cheap.

  8. I suggest that you take him to the vet, and can i possibly suggest that if he is a wild rabbit that you put him back where he came from, maybe hes missing his family and depressed, snd thats why hes hairs falling out.LOL.

    And if youo decide to keep him then you have to take care of him, which includes taking him to the vet when hes sick, iinstead of asing complete strangers.

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