
How Can I Disable The Modchip On My 360 Manually In Order To Play On Live ?

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I Bought A XBOX360 2 months ago and now i figured out it was modded :S

so i just backed up my GTA and Halo3 to a burnt disc from the original,

but i heard tht MS can ban me even if i use original game :(

so i have no idea wut modchip it is and read thorugh internet tht i can disable it

if so any1 knows how to ?

thz god i didnt got banned for playing Live all this tym with modchip

Any Help Would Be Appreciated




  1. ok how do u know it is moded well first xbox cant "ban" you unless you use it and someone reports you. becuase if no one reports you for it then no one will ever know. i have friends that have modchip and get free xbox live and they actually make the glitchs in games liek gears of war but they havent been reported yet so no one in micrsoft knows. so just leave it and if the mod lets you play burnt games then go for it as long as no one reports you dont worry about it

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