
How Can I Earn $1000 or more in a few weeks or months?? I am an almost 16 year old girl.?

by  |  earlier

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I have $50 and my birthday and christmas is coming up, but I do need to get to/ more than $1000 to change my name. School Starts monday. What Can I do to earn the money??




  1. Why do you want to change your name?

  2. are you sure you're not trying to get the money because you're about to squeeze out a child? wait, no.... people who get pregnant that young wouldnt be smart enough to plan anything....

    why the h**l would you wanna change your name? imagine all the things you could be doing with that money... and you wanna waste it on changing a few letters in your passport? what the h**l is the matter with you? cant you just tell your friends you wanna be calle *insert your dream name here* from now on?

    seriously, if i had 1000 bucks i wouldnt be wasting it on such a retarded idea....

  3. Do you think you can model? I am a photographer and am always looking for models for the advertising projects I take on. This is a great way for someone to earn money with little or no experience and you can be any age. I DO NOT do nudity or any kind of job like that. It's mostly for modeling clothes and other products. If interested tell you parents to contact me and maybe we can do some business.

  4. I don't see why you would waste that much money to just change your name that you will later regret. trust me, don't change your name no matter how much you hate it. You could be saving that money up to go to college - change it something worth while.. A name is a name, it's a part that your parents gave to you. Do not change it, you will regret it.. I read your question before about your name and I really like your name, it's beautiful. I also love the fact that you can get awesome nicknames from it.  My name is Belinda and I don't really like it.. But I don't intend to change it. You can't really get nicknames from it which sucks but ahh I'll live.

    So yeah don't change your name cause you will regret it later on. Katherine is a beautiful name for a baby, child, teenager and adult. Be grateful that you are not named Bob.

  5. I guess it will be me that asks the stupid question but here it goes! Why do you want to change your name?It does not cost $1000.00 it only costs between $500.- and $700.00, you could do odd jobs this summer, baby sit, if you got a p/t job, your parents would have to sign for you to work (anywhere),so could you explain why you want your name changed?

  6. give some boppers

  7. babysit or find a part time job

  8. Become a prostitute

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