
How Can I Get My Boyfriend to Have Better Hygiene?

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For starters, he wears the same clothes over and over. I know that they have not been washed due to the fact that they have a bit of a smell. It just seems like he just doesn't care. I would even volunteer to buy him some more clothes but i don't want to hurt his feelings.

Then he won't brush his teeth or really take a thorough shower. My bf's definition of a shower is turning on the water getting his hair wet and soapy and getting out. In other words, he is not cleaning the "important' parts and the other night i smelled him down stairs.

I am just so annoyed. He is a 20 yr. old man and he should have his stuff together. What can I do to get him to clean up? The grossest thing is that he won't brush his teeth and then will want to kiss.

That's just gross. Someone please help me!




  1. Well if he really cares about you, try not being around him a lot. Say you won't kiss him until he brush is teeth or just stop doing things that would normally please him for a while and see what happens. Once he gets to the point of missing you and wanting to be around you, maybe just maybe he will clean up his act. It worked for me. Just try and see.

  2. I totally agree with Vickybaby. There is no such thing as too harsh when it comes to this subject.

  3. just buy him some body wash for his birthday. but not just that, get himmsome othger stuff too so it isnt obvious.

  4. Talk to him about it. And don't worry about hurting his feelings because he obviously needs to hear it.

  5. sometimes you just gotta say what you gotta say   ! it might be hard but you have to tell him unless you want to smell his nasty stench every time he comes over  0.0

  6. I didn't even know there were girls out there who went for guys with bad hygiene. I don't brush my teeth and I shower every couple of days- All i do in the shower is shampoo I rarely ever soap my body I just let hot water run down me that does it good enough.

  7. tell him to clean up his act or no kisses.

    just straight up tell him i am not kissing you like this i shouldnt have to. its the truth and he may be a great guy but you dont deserve that.

  8. It might seem harsh, but you just need to lay down the law. Tell him you won't kiss him unless he brushes his teeth and won't have s*x with him unless he washes his WHOLE body. What a pig!

  9. Be open. Be delicate. But be honest. If you notice these things about him, then chances are, other people are noticing his hygiene.

    Let him know a few facts: Taking proper care of your body through cleanliness helps keep away infection and boost your immune system. And freshly cleaned skin and cologne are some of the sexiest smells in the world.

    If all else fails and you're not opposed to the idea, try the neutral route and shower with him. Entertainment never hurts  

  10. Be honest with him.  Someone needs to be!  Let him know you really like him and want to be with him but you like that "just washed smell" better than any cologne (hint, hint).  Tell him that you know it has been hot out and some girls are into the sweaty smell but you are not and it makes you feel like he doesn't care enough about you to clean up before he comes over.  This is a tough one, good luck.

  11. Well, I'm shocked at this post to say the least. If I were in your shoes I would tell your boyfriend how you feel. It might involve having a bit of a rant at him to get it to stay in his head. His lack of personal hygiene can't be healthy for you either, especially if you're in a sexual relationship with him. Even by kissing him with his uncleaned mouth, you're transferring his bacteria to your mouth... you really need to say something to him. I'm also 20 and by this stage in your life you should most certainly be on top of your personal hygiene. If you find it hard to say to him and do want to be with him for the future,  start off by dropping a comment such as 'those old clothes again? We really need to take you shopping" At least that way you're staying on his side while being pro-active about fixing the problem. You need to get it sorted sooner rather than later though!


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