
How Can I Get My Horse to Gain wieght Fastly?!?

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I have a 3 yr old horse. I Just got her last year. She wasnt skinny when I got her. She lost a hule bunch of weight over winter. We dont have pasture for her but ive been taking her out in the yard to eat grass everyday but she still is not gaining weight we have tried putting corn oil and other stuff in her grain she is still skinny. I dont know what to do. How else can you get a horse to gain weight fastly?!




  1. Fastly, lovely grammar you got there.


  2. Take her to the vet. There may be something wrong with her...

  3. Ok its simple:

    -good quaily hay is a must but avoid alfalfa as it can spike insulin levels

    -The only feeds that I find help weight gain quickly is Legends feed and Triple Crown. use a low protien one the 11% is good

    -Water, water, water,

    -Beet Pulp, soak it for 12 hours and then give with food

    -A teaspoon of oil

    -constant slow paced eating is best for digestion

    -Up the amount of grain by a few ounces per feeding

    -split up the large portions into 3 to 4 meals, each with a serving of beat pulp and oil


    -avoid sugary treats but do supplement feed with healthy fatty fruits. If the horse will eat Avacado then 1 a day mixed in with grain is great, it contains 16 grams of fat per 8 oz. of flesh. It is healthy fat and does have nice coat benefits

    -If the horse's insulin is ok in level then you can add some textured feed with dinner or when ever the horse tends to sleep. Feeding the largest (but not too large) about of grain before they sleep or are inactive will help as instead of burning the energy they store it. Thus resulting in fat.

    hope she gains weight!

    (if she looses her desire to eat or continues to loose weight consult the vet for worming or health issues, the wormer may not be good. Also do not add too much oil as this can cause her to expel the food prematurely)

  4. Have  a vet examine her.

    Worm her with a good broad spectrum wormer.

    Have her teeth checked by an equine dentist.

    Limit her work/riding

    Feed her free choice hay- always have hay in front of her as much as she will eat and clean up

    In order of the most calories per pound-- like people if you eat too many calories for what you need, you will gain weight.

    -oil (corn or vegetable)

    - grain (not a complete feed) or corn

    - rice bran (pelleted or powder)

    - complete feed

    - beet pulp (beet pulp is nice because it provides more calories then hay, but less then grain with lots of good fiber)

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