
How Can I Get Over My Fear of Roller Coasters [10 points] ?

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my school is going on a field trip to six flags on tommorow. I'm not a roller coaster fanatic, because i'm not really a big fan of that stomach dropping feeling. I want to be able to have fun tho, and not just sit on a bench while eveyrone else is riding and having a blast.

What are some tips for me to be able to ride some of the coasters? Like, what can i do to help reduce the stomch dropping feeling?




  1. 1.  Do ride when really hungry or really full.

    2.  Start with an easy ride.  Be careful of friends who think it's funny to trick you into riding the wildest ride first.

    3.  Ride the easy rides over and over until you get used to them, then work your way up to the good stuff.

  2. close your eyes

  3. I agree w/the 2nd answer.

  4. you should queue up for the ride for starters =) and just remember if at the top you decide its not for you just tell your friends and they will understand.

    if you do go on it just tense your stomach n think of something you like. it will soon be over and you will want to go on it again trust me !!!!! xx xx

  5. OK, theres only one thing you need to do. you need to make sure your harness is very tight. because if it is a little bit loose you will lift off your seat and that is what gives you the dropping feeling. but if its tight, you stay on your seat the whole time which makes you feel like your just going on a smooth ride and doesnt drop you or shake you around. but make sure its not so tight you cant even breath. just try to tense up a little bit too because when your mucles are relaxed you can really feel the fall, but not if you arent. so try to have fun. i bet you will. cya

  6. Deep breaths before hand.  Look away from the hill and distract yourself on the way up(scenery haha).  Oh!  When I used to be afraid(I'm crazy about them now), I would brace my feet against the front of the car and press back into the seat.  Of course, that only works for cart roller coaster.  There's really nothing you can do for feet dangle ones.  Scream!  It lets out tension and fear!  hahaha

  7. i found these:

    hope at least one of em helps XD

  8. you can do some deep breathing to relax you. My advice is DO NOT eat or drink anything 1/2 an hour before you go on a ride..... then you might get to see it

  9. these are some of the few things u need to get over your fear of roller coasters.

    1. You need a great group of friends that wont let you back out of the ride. (if u really want to conquer your fear this is crucial)

    2. You need to go on one of the bigger roller coasters near the beginning of your visit. (after the big one all the rest will seem like nothing) if u go to the Six Flags in IL i reccomend the Raging Bull

    3.(probably the most important) im not a fan of the stomach moving feeling either so my dad told me a trick. You scream/yell as you go down the initial and other drops of the roller coaster. it sounds crazy but it works.

  10. i agree w/ all those tips. i had (still have) a fear of heights. what i did was just told myself i WAS going to get on that coaster no matter how scared i was cause it would be over in a couple minutes. just dont think about it, and do it. i promise youll love it.

  11. When you flex your abs it helps a bit, but not enough to make you go on the insane rides.  I'd try to convice your group to start on the smaller rides, and gradually move up.  Then the really crazy rides are left to the end.  This means that the craziest ones will probably be skipped due to no more time, and if your uncomefortable with the crazier ones, then just don't go on em.  Lots of people don't like that feeling, so you won't be alone.  If you convince your group to gradually move up in "craziness" then you should be able to go on the majority of the rides and still have a good time.  Have fun and good luck!

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