
How Can I Get Rid of Kidney Stones In My Guinea Pig?

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My guinea pig, Mancow, has been diagnosed with stones. I saw the x-rays & one is in his bladder & the other larger one is in his urethra. My vet in my town called to an exotic specialist in Indianapolis & now my piggie must have surgery next week. I have already spent $148. plus now another $30 tomorrow for some pain medication for him. Does anyone know maybe what I could give him that might possibly desolve these stones? His surgery will cost between $450 & $650! Any suggestions. Having him put "to sleep" is out of the question. Thanks!




  1. I looked around online and it says that if you lower the calcium it might heal her. That is if you were giving her too much calcium in the first place. The other options are to go through with the surgery or put her to sleep... I'm sorry :(

  2. I KNOW thats a ton of money......but let me just say, "Good for you for doing the right thing!". Standing by your pet no matter what and making sure he gets the proper vet care that he needs is the mark of a responsible pet owner.

    I don't know of any other way to solve the stone problem other than surgery. You do, however, want to prevent this from reoccuring if possible. This would include cutting back on any high calcium foods and possibly researching other homeopathic options that might help. Here is a list of food items that also includes calcium content:

    It seems I remember a pig owner (or more) on GuineaLynx (this was awhile back) that had some success with homepathic remedies. You may want to do a search and see what you can find.

    Best of luck and I hope your piggie pulls through surgery! Healing thoughts headed your way.

  3. there is something to desolve kidney stones but it costs alot of money i mean alot it costs like $15,000 if i were you i would go through with the operation and hope for the best my old guinea pig had the exact same problem and he turned out fine hope it helps and good luck with your little guinea

  4. n, your going to have to pay for the surgery... good for you for willing to spend the money to save your beloved piggy=]

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