
How Can I Get Stolen Youtube Video Removed?

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I recently posted a video on Youtube involving the olympics. The next day I found someone who posted the EXACT same video including the same description and the same tags. Now correct me if i'm wrong but wouldn't that be sort of against the rules?! They had also stolen other people videos too. I even emailed the Youtube copyright thing and they didn't do anything! Does anybody know who else I can contact, or what I can do to get this guy suspended or the video removed?




  1. Flag it

    flag it against your copy right/ privacy.

    Good Luck.

  2. Where you at the Olympics and did you video tape it yourself?  

    I don't think they did anything "illegal" if it was a video that didn't belong to you to begin with.  And besides, who really is it hurting?  Even though it is rude, you see this often on Youtube.  Just report it and then let it go.

    Unfortunately, every time you put something on the internet it is open for anybody to steal and call their own.  Not much you can really do about it.

  3. YouTube will end up deleting the video if you file a DMCA against the user. You can find out how to do that in the Help section of YouTube. There's a link at the bottom of every YouTube page.

    Even though you made the video your own, the images are still under copyright by the person behind the camera, and or the company he/she is employed by.

    YouTube only allows 100% original content to stay on their site. Granted, they can't police every video uploaded on the site, so their focus is mainly on music.

    Lastly, imitation is a subtle form of flattery. Be proud someone saw your work as worthy as something to be stolen. Then just let it go. You're not profiting off the work, neither is this person.  

  4. You can TRY flagging it but I doubt anything will be done about it. Youtube only cares about what Viacom cares about. e_e

  5. get over it, u stole it too.

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