
How Can I Get out of Paying Child Support?

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Hey everyone, I have an issue that I need help with.

8 years ago I had a kid with my ex-wife. We got divorced 2 years ago. I moved out of state to get on with my life, and up until now I've been able to get out of paying child support.

Now it looks like she's found me, because I got a letter from some agency demanding that I pay up or they'll take money out of my paycheck. Is there any way out of this? I haven't had anything to do with the kid since I left. To be honest, I didn't like being a father and the kid was always kind of a disappointment to me in a lot of ways.

I don't think it's fair that I should have to pay for the kid since I don't want to have anything to do with him. How can I get out of this? Would hiding my assets work? I've talked with my boss, and he said he'd be willing to pay me under the table but I don't want them to seize my assets or anything like that.

Thanks in advance for your help!




  1. You are what the media have labeled a dead beat dad.  That means that you produce a child with a woman then do not take care of that child.  Sure you didn't want the kid, but that is not the issue anymore.  A child is not like a pet, after a divorce you can't just pass all the expenses onto the other partner.  If you do not pay child support, they can come and get you.  Hiding your assets will not work as you still have to support that child.  I know how this works as my father never paid a cent of child support from the time my parents divorced when I was 7 to the day I turned 18.  When he gets out of prison he will still owe my mother well over $30,000 in back child support and he's been in prison since I was 15!  

    My sister is dealing with the same thing with her ex but because she knows she will never see any money from him, she is in the process of having him sign away his rights.  This means he does not have a right to his child, not to see her or anything.  My niece on the other hand will have the right to see her father on her own accord later in her life.  

    In my opinion you have two options in this scenario, one you can be a man and pay what is needed to support the child you helped create.  Or two, sign over your rights and you will never have to give her a dime.

  2. your a loser and you will ALWAYS be a LOSER. i hope ten years from now your son finds you and beats the ever living p**p out of you.

  3. Maybe you should have thought about paying child support when you decided to get her pregnant or decided not to use protection!...Keep it in your pants and you wouldnt be in this situation...

    To be honest if this is your child then its your responsibility to help the mother bring him up to even if that means paying some money towards school clothes or new shoes!!...

    Its up you to what you decide to do but its very selfish of you if you choose not to help out your ex wife with YOUR child...This child is just as much your responsibility as your ex wifes...I think that child is better off without you anyway with the sounds of things!!...

  4. I hope they track you down and get you for everything you are worth and more. Men like you should be put in jail. do you have any idea what you have done to your child? You're a piece of S**t.

  5. you're an A**  yes you should have to pay for this kid you helped bring him into this world and if you don't pay you can end up in jail for defaulting on child support.

  6. Dam dude,That's messed up.... Ya should have thought about it before  you slept with her... You made your bed,be a man and lie in it...  

  7. You a dumb b*****d!  its your sperm. and its not the moms fault that you bailed out. so NO you cannot get out of paying it you IDIOT!! im glad she found you and hope she takes you for everything you got. and btw they wont just want the money from here on out, they will want it for the 8 yrs that you weren't paying as well haha good luck.

    your so lame. you dont want to pay because YOU decided not to see your child. you should probably go sit in a whole and never come out.

  8. "I didn't like being a father and the kid was always kind of a disappointment to me in a lot of ways."

    I am sure the feeling is mutual.

  9. Folks, this is obviously a troll.  A successful one it seems.  Nobody who was this much of a jerk would post in this section.

  10. Why shouldn't you pay he is your 'Kid' , he didn't ask to be born  

  11. um your a pig. man up to your responsibilities!!! you had a kid so now you need to pay for him.

    next time by condoms they are much cheaper

  12. first of all it doesn't matter if you wanted the kid or not you must pay.  However you can get in much bigger trouble.  If your boss pays you under the table then you won't have taxes taken out of that money so now you are committing INCOME TAX EVASION which I believe is a felony.  Most states now check your records by your social security number to see if you are employed.  

  13. give up all your right...dont hide cuz that will make matter worse...


    There is absolutly no way you can get out of it. Stop being an a*****e and be a responsible dad. You had a hand in making that "disappointment of a child" now live with it.  It isn't the childs fault you didn't like being a father. That is your problem, the child does not deserve to be treated that way.

    Thank god she found you. Good for her. ANd as for your boss, he will be just a bigger a*****e for paying you under the table.

    You don't think its fair??? You are a moron. Is it fair to the child that he has a coward for a father? NO.

    Grow some balls and pay up. Stop being a whimp. IDIOT.

  15. Are you serious???  

    So you are saying that you want to continue being a dead-beat Dad?  Your child is YOUR responsibilty... for LIFE!!


    Wow... I hope she takes you for everything you've got.

  16. dumb@$$,take a D.N.A.TEST

  17. Die-that's the only way, and as a mother who's ex paid very little child support, you'll do her a favor.  My ex would pay 3 payments a year, unless his wages were garnished, which every time would knock me out of being able to get medicaid for my son.  In the long run, it cost me several thousand, and really sucked.

    You play, you pay.

  18. You are such an idiot! Where do you think the kid came from? You and your wife produced this child and it's both of your responsibilities to take care of him/her. Obviously you're not helping by being there, taking care of your child, or being a good role model for your child; so you deserve to have every penny you make taken. And to answer your question. Yes you can hide your money, get paid under the table, etc. But they'll find you and they'll take the money now or they'll take thousands and thousands of back child support later. It's your choice but no matter what you'll pay you scumbag.  

  19. Wow, are you serious?

  20. Oh my goodness. I spotted this question and I was sickened. This is your child whether you like it or not. How would you feel if you were the kid? Why should your ex-wife have to deal with raising the child? You should not be trying to get out of child support, you should be making an effort to get to know your child

  21. What type of question is that? Why wouldnt you want to help support your child? Jesus Christ, men like you make me SICK!

  22. youve come to the wrong place for help bc I think youll find it difficult to find any compassion for you in your situation "he was always kind of a disappointment to you"? wow. maybe you have always been a disappointment to him as well.  

  23. Usually I would tell you what an a$$hole you are and that someone should castrate you so you can't treat any other poor kids this way. And I still feel that way, but by paying child support you are entitled to some sort of relationship with the poor child so I hope that you DO get out of this so your son never has to know his dad and know what a wanker his dad really is. Grow some balls and accept your responsibilites.

  24. Are you serious??? You took responsibility of having s*x when you weren't ready, well now its time to be a man. Even though you don't have anything to do with him you are still financially responsible for him. I bet he thinks you are a pretty big dissapointment also!

  25. you are a selfish b*****d, how dare you subject this child to your immaturity.  First off he didn't ask to be here, i hope they find your *** and make you pay back all eight years that you've missed, you are a bad excuse for a human being, i hope you kick rocks and die.

  26. Omg i cant believe a b*****d like u would even ask something like that, u deadbeat be a real man and take care of ur child , its men like u why women are going g*y cause u aint worth S**t!

  27. your a creep. take care of your kid and be a man.

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