
How Can I Go Crazy???

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Ridiculous question, I know, but i feel like going crazy for a day just so i can sort of be "out of this world". I was thinking of watching the "Badger,Badger,Badger" song for a couple hours. XD. Can anyone help me SNAP?




  1. Lie in your room, and put a tap on, just let it drip. not run, just drip.

    haha, its SO annoying and might make you go crazy

    if that doesnt work, eat LOADS of E number sweets.

    Or get drunk?

    Do weed?

    lol i dunno

  2. well it depends on what makes you happy and crazy :) go do something that youve never done before . that you think is kind of a risk but if you do it it'll make you excited and crazy .

  3. Sit in your bedroom - door shut, curtains closed, no lights, no food or drink. no-one to talk to and do absolutely nothing other than forcing your eyes to stay open. Keep it up for the couple of hours you talk of.

    When you are done go back to the world you wanted to leave & if it still isn't a place where you want to be then google a short piece called Desiderata and read it.

    I do know where you are coming from with this question, believe me, and I sympathize. Best wishes. UK

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