
How Can I Improve My Cats Behavior?

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I have a half Siamese Cat, called Poppy. On her own terms, Poppy can be affectionate towards us, but most of the time, she bites and scratches, every time we try to touch her. She also hisses and goes mad every time another cat comes into the garden, even if its just passing through!

I would appreciate any advice as to why she behaves like this towards us and other cats, and if anybody else is in the same situation as me.

I love my cat, and really want her to love me back...

Thank You!




  1. You can buy food that is mixed with energy minerals it will change your cats phyisical behavior

  2. a siamies cat is hard to tech but you can do it but you will need a lot of time first you need to tech it form right or wrong.

  3. This is all copy-and-pasted from comments on a psychology blog, but I thought I'd save you the trouble of wading through the comments so here are some suggestions as posted by readers from that blog:

    Use some very gentle negative reinforcement. If claws touch skin, say "ow" or something like that and gently put her down. Don't scream or jump or do anything that will make her fearful, all you want to do is deprive her of cuddles. Then, and this is most important, when she jumps back up, give her all your attention when she's not digging her claws into you. It will take some time but she will learn that not giving you acupuncture will bring good things. It may take a long time, be patient. Sometimes it helps to give them a sacrificial stuffed animal or sweater to puncture, the kneading is very comforting for them. Many cats go nuts over really soft stuff like angora.

    When she jumps up and starts scratching, swat her and put her down each and every time. She'll learn.

    what you can do is start massaging her paws when she's just relaxing with you. That will get her used to you touching her paws. In some time, she'll become comfortable enough for you to trim the nails.

    Don't use your hands as play - and don't get near her when you're playing. That just teaches her that your body is a toy. Use the "fishing line" toys or throw a ball away from your body.

    If she attacks you, squirt her with a water bottle. This behavior will become much more serious as she gets older, so disipline her now and consistently. Make sure any visitors do the same.

    I use cat claw covers on my mog. He doesn't mind them in the least and they do him no harm whatsoever. There were developed by a vet in the US to try and dissuade people from the cruel act of declawing.

    Here's a link to the site.

    Hope these helped!  

  4. The Siamese breed is a very difficult breed to handle.  I would suggest that before you got one, you educated yourself on the breed, as they are more like dogs than cats.

    I would also suggest just to leave her alone and let her come to you first.  They are very aggressive and independent.

  5. Your cat needs discipline.....get a dog

  6. I have the SAME problem as you do, her name is Malibu. I got her for christmas almost 3 years ago and she is the spawn of the devil!! We live in a town house and she will attack you on your way up the stairs leaving the WORST scratches on your legs...

    anyways I started standing up to the hissing thing, they really aren't that scary and if you act like it bothers you they will use it. When she bites or scratches me I lock her away in her vet crate or a small bathroom for at least 30 minutes. I don't EVER hit my cat. they will remeber it and only act worse.

    When she does something i wrong or mean I snatch her up into my arms and she ALREADY knows she was wrong,then i put her away in a small place ( LIke i said before) she is actually a lot better now, so its working. Cats are social animals and they hate being by themselves.

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