
How Can I Improve My Electric Fence, To Keep Animals In?

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ye i need help improving my electric fence to make it shock better

any pointers

please help me , this is quite urgent





  1. Since you don't state the SPECIES, should we assume Dogs?

      A tolerance level, of whatever species would be the wise thing to do first. I want to assume that you realize that a shock fence is a traning device, not an ongoing method of punishment or inflicting pain.

       If your "Animals" are not being trained by the fence, or have learned to vault it without touching it, then perhaps you should re-think that species/breed, or investigate other training methods.

    Just my two "sense"

  2. Plug it into the main power supply. That should keep the little blighters in...

  3. tie ribbons on the wire so they can see it works cows cant see the wire unless it has these on I had the problem of cows running through the fence till I did this maybe your fencer is going bad or not big enough for your area you have fenced in you don't say how big fencer is and how much fence you have run

  4. Get a barrier shocker, it gives out more power for greater lengths. Tack a light bulb into it to keep it on constantly. It's just short of animal cruelty.

  5. Did you, by any chance, train them when you first put up the fence. or when you bought them?  If you didn't, I don't think turning up the voltage is a solution..

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