
How Can I Install Zen Cart Shopping Cart on my Website via Control Panel

by Guest34304  |  9 years, 3 month(s) ago

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How Can I Install Zen Cart Shopping Cart on my Website via Control Panel?  If you are using Zen on your website and want to sell things, you must have the shopping cart.  Zen Cart is another great shopping cart system. You can turn your website in to a store in a few easy steps. The thing I like about Zen Cart is that it's very easy to set up and start using. This shopping cart system is free to use also. This shopping cart also comes with many built in features. Some of the features include multiple payment options, multiple shipping options, unlimited category depth, quantity discounts and a lot more. To see a full list of features for Zen Cart visit their website. In this tutorial I will show you how to install the Zen Cart easily by going through your control panel.
Installing Zen Cart through your Control Panel
Log in to your control panel. If you have more the one website, make sure you log in to the control panel of the website that you wish to install Zen Cart on. Once you are logged in, look for the Fantastico link and click it.
The next page will show a brief description of the shopping cart and a link that you can visit to see exactly what Zen Cart is. Below the description you will see a New Installation link, the amount of space required, and the amount of space that you have available. Make sure that you have enough space before you continue with the installation. To continue with the installation, click on the New Installation link.
The next page will be the first step of the actual installation process. You will need to enter the information that is required in order to install Zen Cart. Most of the fields are self explanatory but the first two fields are a little complicated if you are new to installing things through your control panel. So I will explain the first two fields to you.

 Tags: cart, control, install, panel, shopping, via, website, Zen

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