
How Can I Live Inside a Cardboard Box and Weather-seal it?

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If I needed to live in a box for a year or two, how would I weather-seal it so as not to go through a box every time it rains? How would I scrape up money to eat without a real job? How would I transport this big La-Z-Boy chair box around with me on a bicycle? How would I stay cool in the summer(winter will be ok as cardboard is cramped and will get hot)?




  1. couple layers of seran rap and some gorrilla tape god damet

  2. Wasn't there something about plastic sheeting and duct tape after the anthrax and terrorist links made by gvt.?   Don't worry about the family who died of suffocation because they fell for the scare tactics of our government.

  3. Keep the box off the floor by resting on crates. use an insulation mat of plastic or fabric on the floor.

    Use chip oil to cover the outside roof and make it water repellant, and use plastic wrap and wire to hold it together.

    To make a decent stove, find a food can, and pack it tightly with a roll of corrugated card - wrapped the easy way into a roll. fill with any oil and you have a giant candle. Metal Coathangers are ideal supports, and you can make a frying pan using one with a foil pie dish.

    If you can find an area in the shade it will be cooler if you dowse the area in water. - evapotation will cool it, also look for a place that allows a breeze.

    In the winter, just add more card to the outside, bud doesn't need to be waterproof, although it helps.

    Get involved in barter system. This is a cashless system swapping items or services. You could offer to post advertising flyers in return for food at restaurants or cafe's.

    I would also offer to wait at tables for pay - or a room. Hotels are especially good at this - giving accomodation, free food, and a regular income (and usually supply a uniform).

    Best of luck.

  4. Crud another person you can use the computer is becoming homeless, what's the world coming too?

    Put plastic over the box, plastic bags could work if there are no holes. keep it up off the ground so water don't get on the bottom. If all else fails get another box out a dumpster...

    Far as carrying it on a bike, either fold it up, or rig up a way to drag it behind you! Then if it's strong enough too hold weight you could make money giving people rides on it xD.

    Move the box to a place with shade, keep it out of direct sun light. Get a hold of one of them battery operated fans and look in trash's and stuff for batteries that may still work some.

  5. Grease is good at repelling water. I used mink oil to water proof cardboard. Construction sites are the best place to get material for a shelter. News paper is good at keeping you warm. Keeping your clothes damp will keep you cool. You will need a wagon for your bike because the price of scrap metal is up and every body throws it out.

  6. I agree. Saran wrap for problem #1. There's always trashcans but standing on the street with a sign that says "training to be a Jedi Knight, may the force be with you" always seems to attract some dough. by the way, why can't you get a real job? First of all where in the h**l did you get a la-Z-boy box. Fold it? That's what I would do. Buy a fan. Oh wait you don't have electricity hmmmmm.  

  7. Ask your local homeless person

  8. personally , if you don't plan on actually putting any stress on the boxes and strictly use them for shelter, I'd say some kind of epoxy resin...maybe even fiberglass resin. It sinks into the cardboard then hardens which will make it rainproof, i said, if you put stress on it, the resin will crack and you'll have a point of entry for water.

    Only other suggestion might be a water resistant treated tarp or tent. I recall the bad old tents we use to use in the early days of boy scouts. The tent material itself would get wet when it rained, but it would run down the outsides. BUT, if you touched the inside of the tent, then you'd get a leak. Such a tarp or tent over the box should due...but have to keep them separated.

    And if money is an actual issue, i suppose collecting trash plastics and melting them down in a double boiler (2 pots over a camp fire) would work to a certain degree if you liquify it then brush it on over the cardboard.

  9. spray the box with a water sealer, use a can called Camp Dry.

  10. haha your crazy.

  11. Firstly add a pitched roof to stop water ponding on the top it will also help it dry. a large plastic sheet would work, look behind a supermarket food is often delivered in these large sheets. Wax is also a good waterproofer. Raise the box off the floor with a pallet as the ground will also make it wet.

    For warmth put the box in a larger box and fill it with scrunched up paper for insulation, insulate under the box as well as alot of body heat is lost through the ground.

    I hope you are only doing this for fun? Please dont say its to save the evnviroment!  Bad luck if its just cos your lucks out.

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