
How Can I Make It Easier For Me To Get Up In The Morning For School?

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I'm going to be in 10th grade and I have always had issues going to school.

I get the right amount of sleep, but in the mornings I always feel a bit sick or numb.

What can I do to help this?




  1. There are ALOT of ways.

    1. use an alarm clock! And never forget to set it to its loudest extent.

    2. sleep early. sometimes sleeping late makes us feel lack of sleep.

    3. you have to love school. 'cause it would inspire you to got to school everyday with a smile.


  2. Do you eat a FULL breakfast? You could always splash some cold water on your face, helps a lot.

  3. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...

  4. Believe it or not. Don't use cellphone an hour before you go to bed, and set the alarm by using your favour music or from the radio.

  5. i have the same problem...what i usually wake up earlier and just take a morning shower, wash my face...and have breakfast. but sometimes those things does not guess what? i still do those things..put i also but my SMALL digital alarm clock UNDER my pillow. it's louder! also, i agree with the other answerer...put the alarm clock somewhere you have to get up to get it!  NEVER EVER hit the snooze button remember that! good luck!

  6. sleep early in the Night, keep an alarm at what time u need do this a week, from next week on u will wake up without using alarm

  7. this might not be the best advise...but

    i'm the same way, and what i've done since i was in high school is ...

    buy a personal coffee maker with an automatic turn on thing on it. and set it for like 15 minutes before the time you should be getting up, then you just get it ready the night before, the smell will wake you up. and you can put liquid vanilla or hazel nut creamer and sugar. and the smell will wake and you'll feel awake while at school.  

  8. me too.

    like no matter how

    much i sleep it never

    helps...i have the same

    problems.  it stinks.

    set your alarm clock across

    the room so you have to get up to shut

    it off.

    set multiple alarms 2-5 minutes apart

    eat an apple in the morning.  studies

    have shown they are able to wake you up

    better than coffee and other hot beverages.

    best answer (:

  9. I had this problem and what I discovered was I used sleep to avoid facing the fact I was not complete with my homework and other commitments. So going to school was another day of drudgery. When I did what I would say I would do (homework) I actually looked forward to the next day and also found I had more free time to pal around with my friends. Life became easier and my grades went up. This did not happen overnight.

    How are you doing in this area?

  10. It helps to splash cold water in your face and maybe drink a little bit of warm milk. I'm going into 9th grade now and I have the same problem even though I get the right amount of sleep at night. Sorry I wish I could help more!

  11. eat a really jumpstarting breakfast like a sugary cereal, with some fruit, and orange juice.

  12. take a cold shower and eat a big breakfast

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