
How Can I Make My Hair Grow Quicker?

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Are there any particular foods I have to eat, or treatments I have to put on?




  1. Healthy hair grows faster and stronger the hair lesser the breakage! The only way is to take care of your hair like you take care of your body! I had thin and really dry hair. The main culprit for this was perming and colouring and also too many hairsprays, gels, etc. I was in utter depression when I used many expensive shampoos to get my hair long and luxuriant like in the adverts! Well after a while my aunt and my mother who took pity on me (because I didnt listen to them in the first place) and gave me a hair care routine which helped me tremendously and now I have long, luxuriant and healthy mane of hair which I am proud of.

    Why do you think super-models have excellent skin, hair and body! Cosmetics to a certain extent but they take care of their diet. They eat healthy food, exercise and lot, drinks tons of water and follow certain routines to help maintain a youthful beautiful look. Not all are born perfect but if one strives hard one can be as perfect as possible!

    Now lets start with your diet.

    • Just like your body, your hair needs a balanced, nutritious diet to stay healthy. That's why your food plan must contain a rainbow of fruits and vegetables that are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants, whole grains for minerals, nuts and seeds for minerals and vitamins, and lean protein for iron. A fortified breakfast cereal will help your body get all of the other good stuff it needs.

    • Water not only hydrates your body, but helps keep your hair silky and shiny. This diet includes eight to 10 glasses of water and juices a day for maximum hydration.

    • The fiber from fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes is good for your body and your hair. This meal plan features lots of fiber-containing food as an option at each meal.

    • Soy products contain phytoestrogens -- estrogens from plants -- that may boost your health, so this diet offers soymilk as a beverage choice and soy nuts as a snack option.

    Hair Care steps:

    Firstly if you have hair fall then here are some remedies for stopping it and thereby helps growth:

    1) Massage: Massage: Massage improves circulation, which in turn improves the health of your hair and scalp. A few drops of vitamin E oil mixed with 2 tsp jojoba oil massaged into the scalp is recommended to strengthen fragile hair and help prevent dry, flaky skin and hair cuticles.

    Give yourself a daily massage (not necessarily with oil everyday) for 5-10 minutes to stimulate circulation, which is vital for healthy hair growth. Using your fingers (knuckles), work over the surface of the scalp, temples and back of the head, applying pressure in circular movements.

    Also if you want thicker and stronger and longer hair there is another step you must follow:

    Hair-tugging Exercise:

    Bend your head forward.

    Grasp a hank of hair close to scalp.

    Tug hard, relax your grip, then tug again. Remember its tugging not pulling!!

    Repeat the procedure three times.

    Repeat all over scalp, to stimulate new, thicker growth, concentrating on any thinning areas, such as the sides of the forehead.

    Caution: Don't be too rough when you are massaging your scalp. Vigorous pulling or brushing can actually pull hair out of your head and damage the hair.

    The above massage must be done daily at night before you sleep. this stimulates the scalp and gets the blood pumping vigorously through your scalp. This helps in getting a thicker and faster growth in your hair.

    2) Daily application of refined coconut oil mixed with lime water and lime juice on the hair, prevents loss of hair and lengthens it. Application of the juice of green coriander leaves on the head is also considered beneficial.

    3) Washing the hair with a paste of cooked black gram dhal, (urad dhal) and fenugreek (methi) lengthens the hair.

    4) Cleansing: Shampoo you hair with a mild shampoo (especially if you wash your hair daily). Strong chemical shampoos strip the natural moistures from your hair rendering it drier than before.

    5) Conditioning: You can certainly use Bottled conditioners available in the market, but I have given a few home made recipes with natural ingredients which are really good for the hair.

    Banana olive hair treat

    Here's a treat for your hair which you can do once a week. (It Conditions, Nourishes, Moisturises and brings awesome shine with natural ingredients)

    Blend 1 banana with 1/3 cup of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil. (You can get both at the supermarket)

    Rinse your hair.

    Towel dry.

    Apply on your slightly damp hair. Especially on the ends.

    Wrap your hair with a plastic wrap.

    Leave it on 30 minutes to an hour or so.

    Remove the plastic wrap

    Now Shampoo and Rinse your hair as normal.

    Add 1 tablespoon cider vinegar and 1 drop of lavender oil to 3 cups of water.

    Pour the lavender cider vinegar water over your hair as the final rinse, for shiny hair.

    Wrap hair in a fluffy towel to dry.

    Style as normal...

    Hope these remedies help!! It certainly helped me!!

    10 points would be great :)

  2. hair growth, make your hair healthier and provide all the vital elements for fast growing, stronger, and beautiful hair.To Know more about your hair will help you.

  3. No, it grows naturally. Just keep it in good condition and have it trimmed regularly.

  4. Vitamin B :)

    && also you can use Rogain for women

    and a shampoo called Nioxin it supposed to

    make hair grow thicker :)

  5. A friend of mine said she used to put peanut oil in her shampoo and it made her hair grow ridiculously fast.

    You should try it :]

  6. Try sunsilk,the green one for a quick hair growth.

    I heard its working.

    Answer mine pls:;...

  7. Trim the ends of your hair every 6 weeks, drink milk, don't dye, flat iron or curl your hair alot.

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