
How Can I Make Sure My Kitten And Cat Are Happy At All Times?

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I wish they could smile more often, how can I tell if they are happy?




  1. All you can do is make sure they have fresh food and clean water, give them enough room to run around, give them something to stimulate themselves with (toys or objects), and show them love.  Show them attention as well, and you should be good to go.

  2. Cats don't smile, but they have other ways of showing they are happy.  When a cat stares at you and blinks slowly, it is content and happy.  A purr is usually a sign of happiness and contentment.  When a cat bumps its head or body against you, it's usually expressing affection toward you, marking you with pheromones as someone it cares for.

    You can help keep your cats happy by having regular play sessions together, and petting and grooming them on a regular basis.   Most cats appreciate it if you provide them with posts to scratch their claws on, a 'cat tree' to climb on and perch upon (you can buy one or find plans to make one yourself online), and windows to peer out of.  

    Spending time with your cats is a great way to help them to be happy, if they're social cats.  You can even train your cats - most cats enjoy the interaction.  Look for the book 'Clicker Training for Cats' by Karen Pryor for good information on clicker training - it's a fun, positive way to interact with your cats.

    If you do an Internet search for 'environmental enrichment' for cats you can find lots of good ideas to help make a cat's home comfortable for it.  The links below have lots of good information.

    Hope this helps!

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