
How Can I Relax My Mind........?

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It Seems Hard For 2 Sleep At Night B/C I Think Too Much........What Can I Do About This?




  1. Meditate ..

    Not Even Kidding It Works .

    Or Ya Know .. Take A SLEEPing Pill.



  2. Write down the things in your mind that you keep going over & forget them until the next day.

    Also, try deep breathing exercises & bathing at the latest 1 hour before bedtime to relax.

    Try reading too.

    Lots of love

    Jen x*x

  3. Nothing more relaxing to listen to while trying to sleep than the sound of a cat (or maybe two cats) purring while curled up there on your bed.  If you concentrate on that sound, while idly flicking thru the Bible reading random verses on any page that it opens to, and have a drink of hot chocolate (rather than something stimulating like a glass of coke), I think you'll soon relax enough to just lie there, relaxed, listening to that purr, purr, purr..........'Night.

  4. This is what I do - I like to read my Bible, and when I'm really stressed out, I call my cats and one of them lays on my stomach and purrs. Very relaxing.

    I as well stopped drinking coffee and coke.

  5. You need to read a book called "The Mind Asleep" is the bible on all things to do with sleep, once you've read it you'll sleep like a cat - even if you do drink coke !

  6. The stinky cats were tired of their ordinary drink which is milk. So they decided to go to the store a buy a bottle of cherry coke. They were very satisfied. They drank so much coke that they went to a priests house and started to chew on his bible which his mother gave to him in 1779

  7. okay. seriously? this method of falling asleep?FOOLPROOF!

    first of all, go out onto a crowded footpath about 15 min before you want to go to bed. now beat yourself repeatedly round the head with a bible, making meowing noises like a cat. when someone comes near you, look into their face with BIG wide eyes and a crazy smile, and say COKE! LOOK! SUGARRR!!!!!

    in about 10 min time, the nice men in white coats will come, and you'll get a GOOD nights rest :D

  8. D0 s0methiinq t0 kill tyme.

    q0 t0

  9. Well dont drink coke.

    Do you have a cat? sometimes patting my catbefore sleep helps!

    And read! maby the Bible or takes your mind of reality so might help!!

    Hope I helped :)

  10. Drugs. Haha smoke some weed, eat and you'll sleep til tomorrow. Or sleeping pills. There are many options, just choose one.

  11. Definitely meditate. If possible, do it every afternoon.

    What you would do is lie in bed for about a half hr. or 45 min. in complete quiet (no music, no TV) and just spend time with yourself. If you do this accordingly, you can let go off all your tension because you can also envision really beautiful things like the nature and God. This is very useful because it helps you relax and will always remind you that God is with you all times, since you can feel His presence. But just remember not to write, read, or think of anything else because these things will interfere with it. And have absolute quiet.

    Another very good thing for you would be exercising: starting with aerobics, then push-ups and/or set-ups every morning when you get out of bed, if you prefer, or at night before dinner. This definitely releases the pressure from your brain as well as your anxiety because it pumps up your blood and creates oxygen.

    If you will do these things every day and also eat and drink appropriately, the mind will be a lot more relaxed and you'll get even better sleep. Hope they will help you. Good luck.  

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