
How Can I Send Traffic to My Blog?

by Guest58484  |  earlier

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Im trying to work out how I can send more traffic to my blog,




  1. This is a great site for blog marketing:

  2. Try to get links from related sites. You can read some tips here

  3. Submit your Blog to Blog Directories, BlogLogs, Blog Catalogs, WebDir, Technorati and for more ideas on quick and effective internet marketing check the link below :

  4. Driving Traffic To Your Affiliate Site With SEO(Search Engine Optimization)

    Inevitably you will need to drive quality traffic to your website. You will need the traffic in order to make money with your affiliate site. How can you make money if no one is going to visit your site? To this end you will try to launch various marketing campaigns. One of the most common things you may do is to launch a PPC campaign. There are a lot of options to launch such a campaign. You may use the services of Google Adsense for example. There are also other companies which provide such marketing services...................................

    For full article, please follow this link:


  5. Write articles about your website or ideas.

    Submit your website for users to review, free!

    Go to Famous Pages

  6. I have had this problem too, and I have solved it by joining several good web 2.0 communities.

    The formost method I have had the most success with is by joining ZIMBIO. This site allows you to join for free, then you can import all of your blog articles directly through their pinging service.

    The best thing about ZIMBIO is the way they create a new web page each time you import an article. Then you can actually post the article to a related Wikizine within the Zimbio community, and another web page is created.

    These pages are indexing in Google and if your article is well written with good content and keyphrases, it will generate traffic to whatever you are writing about. I generally post blog articles about affiliate marketing.

    My ZIMBIO page is

    I also use TWITTER to generate visits to my blog. Just place a few comments in your Twitter form, and paste the url of the blog in there too.

    Another good one is POWNCE. They have a form for you to use after joining where you can discuss the latest article you have written, and you can use the "link" button to input the url of your blog.

    There are many other web 2.0 communities where you can do this type of thing, and it is a welcome practice. Just post topics related to the blog, import articles and write comments, etc.  Works well for me and my blogs.


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