
How Can I Soften Hard Water?

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Hi I am a college student and I am low in cash so installing a water softening system is out of the question. Is there any things else i can use to soften my water? I prefer a bath over a shower and i was thinking abt adding some salt to the tub, but then i don't know how i should measure it out or if it would even work. Can someone tell me something that i can use so my water will be soft???

By the way, I've tried using Dove, Caress and even Ivory but all of these soaps cause a scum in my bath tub. What can I do to make my water softer?




  1. calgon in the bath, borax in the laundry

  2. There are three methods, none of them cheap: magnetic, reverse osmosis, and ion exchange, with the latter being by far the most popular.  Adding salt to the water won't help; it won't get rid of the calcium and magnesium ions that are causing the problem.

  3. Thaw it

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