
How Can I Stop My Guinea Pig???

by Guest55611  |  earlier

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I just got my guinea pig 2 days ago...And i've been trying to play with him..So i put him on my bed..and play with him...But then he pee's And p**p's ALL OVER! How do i stop him from doing that!?

No bad comments please! Thank You!!




  1. I just got a guinea pig about 6 weeks ago. There really isn't anything you can do to stop him from pooping. It's a good thing that he is. After you are done playing with him thoough, you can just take a paper towl, and pick up the p**p and put it in the garbage. It's not really that hard. Trust me, you get used to it. oh ya, and if he keeps pooping, like 20 times, it's most likely his warning sign to let you know hes has to go pee. Good luck with your new piggy!

  2. Don't feed it so much. Guinea pigs defecate and urinate at indiscriminate times, and especially when they are frightened.

  3. u cant stop him. just learn the signs of when he has to go, before you put him on any thing but a towel.

    P.S. if he's not neutered, that'll help.

  4. well being that hes new to ure house its not customed to its surroundings so it tends to be afraid just give him time to get used to it ... theres no feeding problems dont listen to the coment below if u feed him less yes he'll stop pooping alot but he'll be dehydrated fast

  5. Guinea pigs pee and p**p. You can't do anything about it.  

  6. Sounds like he's scared.  Work more slowly to get him socialized and use lots of treats.

  7. Put a towel down before putting him on your bed.

    A plastic sheet, such as a picnick table cloth, underneath the towel will keep the urine from seeping through.

    Guinea pigs are not typically potty trainable. It is just something you have to prepare for.  

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