
How Can I Volunteer In Africa?

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I'm in Jr High and a group of us were thinking of going to Africa to volunteer. However as were fairly young we have no idea how, does anyone have any ideas?




  1. As unskilled volunteers, you need to be prepared for ALL expenses regarding such an experience: flights, in-country transportation, health insurance, accommodation, food, security, translators, training, staff to create the service opportunities and then to supervise and support you in your service, liaisons with the police and local officials, etc.). That's at least a few thousand dollars.

    There is a listing of the more-than-30 member organizations of the International Volunteers Program Association (IVPA) that is a good place to find reputable volunteer-for-a-fee programs -- programs where you don't need to have much experience in order to participate, and the placements are just for a few weeks or months:

    Here is a web site that can help you learn more about the skills and experience desired by long-term placement organizations, or organizations that don't charge volunteers but require volunteers to be highly-skilled, and how you can start to gain such experience locally, wherever you are now.

    Since you are so young, why not get involved in US-based initiatives focused on people your age helping the developing world?

    NetAid has programs specifically for high school students in North America who want to help in the developing world. NetAid is now a part of MeryCorps

    TakingIT Global is another resource for young people in the USA who want to do something to affect the situation positively in developing countries

  2. Unless you have some specialized skill (medical training, foreign languages, etc.) it is cheaper for most organizations to hire someone locally than to fly volunteers in from another country.

    Your best bet is to join a church mission group.

    You can volunteer if you are aged 16 and up in Ghana through this group, but it will cost you:

    While your motives are commendable, you could probably be more help to Africa by raising money or awareness for a cause stateside, sponsoring a kid, family or village, or buying African made goods via a free trade dealer. Or loan money to an African businessman or woman trying to get started via

    The Peace Corps pretty much takes only college graduates.

  3. Many churches do this type of mission work

  4. I just don't know how. But I want to congratulate you and your group for offering such deed without monetary compensation at your early age.

    You will be great becoming an adult.


  6. I agree with the other respondent. The best thing you could probably do for Africa is have a fundraiser for a cause that you deem worthy. Other than that, most programs like the Peace Corps ,etc. are looking for people over 18.

    There are some churches willing to take teens abroad for charity and missionary work. And if you truly want to travel... there are international teen camps and other experiences. My cousin went  with the People to People program to Europe. And that program does have Asia and African tours as well...

    Hope I helped! :)

  7. You can join our group July 3 - 12, 2008, we're going to South Africa to help people living in the squatter camps in Soweto (near Johannesburg).  It's perfect for an energetic group of Jr high youth, it will change your life!

    It's a mission trip that we have done for years, it's safe, rewarding and something you will never forget.  If you're interested in more info, let me know and I'll send it on.

  8. I am sure the Peace Corps or Mercy Corps can help ya out with that one.

    Peace out.

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