
How Can I apply for a Flight Attendent Job in OKC?

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Hello, my name is Jesse It has always,always been my dream to be a flight attendent, I am having trouble looking for job listings in my area or any area in that fact, know anyweb sites where there are listings or will rogers job listing web site let me know thanks- Jesse




  1. You should enter this dream job contest and maybe you can win your dream job of being a flight attendant for one day and see how it is. Here's a link:

  2. Flight attendant jobs are hard to come by right now.  There are no airlines that base their flight attendants in OKC, the closest to that area would be DFW.  Southwest is hiring I believe.  Stay away from AA, they are NOT hiring, they will be furloughing 2,000 flight attendants very soon.  Your best bet would be to go to the various airline websites and see if they have f/a positions open.  This is a hard field to be in right now.

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